ALEPPO TRAGEDY: Innocent little victims of war in Syria are still waiting for Obama’s FAKE red line

This precious little boy named Omran Daqneesh survived– but thousands of children have perished waiting for Obama’s “red line” in Syria– which turned out to be a TOTAL lie. It will only get worse if Hillary Clinton is allowed to establish her corrupt socialist regime.

May God save little Omran Daqneesh and the children that are trapped in the war in Syria and in other war-torn regions of the Middle East.




Copyright © Marielena Montesino de Stuart. All rights reserved.


ALEPPO TRAGEDY: Innocent little victims of war in Syria are still waiting for Obama’s FAKE red line, Aleppo, Syria, Barack Obama, Obama, Red line, Hillary Clinton, Marielena Montesino de Stuart.

DEATH AND DESTRUCTION: What the Socialists (“progressives”) deliver to Europe and the world

Reading time: +/- 5 minutes

Socialist political correctness brings death and destruction

By Marielena Montesino de Stuart

Manuel Valls is the very Socialist Prime Minister of France. Keep in mind that the Socialists are responsible for opening the flood gates for the Islamic migration to Europe. Here are some of the words that Prime Minister Valls had the nerve to say to the French people following the massacre in Nice, which took place 11 days ago.  (Excerpts from The Telegraph in London):

French Prime Minister warns terrorism will be part of French daily life for a long time

Manuel Valls, the French Prime Minister, has warned the country that it will have to live with the constant threat of terrorism for a long time.

Interviewed by Journal du Dimanche, Mr Valls painted a gloomy picture of the the future [sic].

“The terrorism threat is will be a fundamental and enduring problem and other lives will be wrecked,” he said.

“One could refuse to face facts, we could forget, move on. But I must tell the truth to the French people, terrorism will be part of our daily lives for a long time.”

Are we being lied to?

It is important to observe the similarities between the massacre in Orlando and the massacre in Nice: both killers were found to be homosexual Islamic terrorists, per investigative reports from both crime scenes (see reference). Yet, we hear very little from the mainstream media about the profile of the killer in Orlando. We can soon expect to hear very little about the killer in Nice. I expect the same thing from Germany, where there have been four horrific attacks this week, followed by politically correct press releases and statements.

Forensic psychology

Forensic psychology is an essential part of forensic science. As such, responsible governance requires that detailed reports of all forensic analysis be made available for the sake of public safety, with the exception of sections that protect the innocent. But we are dealing with Socialist governments and a mainstream media which for the most part delivers to the public square only what is politically correct.

The FBI claims that it has found no evidence that the Orlando killer was involved in a homosexual environment, in spite of testimonies given by the killer’s ex-wife, as well as by men who had come in contact with him, sexually or through dating apps.  This is the same FBI whose director told us a few days ago that in spite of Hillary Clinton’s lies and coverups involving her emails as Secretary of State, it cannot recommend any charges to the Justice Department!

It is noteworthy that those who frequented the Orlando club and had contact with the killer continue to insist that he was a homosexual. By coming forward, they are helping forensic scientists do their work.

But is the FBI calling these individuals liars?

Is the homosexual community being thrown under the bus by the “progressives” (Socialists) when it comes to terrorist attacks against them? This is after all how socialists work. When you don’t follow their marching orders and you become disruptive to their agenda, they cut your funding and support. They simply cut you loose because you are no longer needed.

Read Chaos and Terror in Orlando

Here are excerpts from an LA Times report (the LA Times deserves credit for breaking away from political correctness by publishing it). Information inside brackets added for clarification:

It is possible that Mateen might have had communications on cellphones or other electronic equipment that have not been recovered by investigators in the wake of the shooting.

Some of those who have claimed to be in contact with Mateen before the shooting continue to insist that the gunman seen in the photos released after the shooting is the same man who visited the nightclub before the shooting.

Kevin West, 29, a Navy veteran and Pulse [club] regular, said Mateen [killer] messaged him on Jack’d and also said he recognized him entering the club on the night of the shooting. After the attack, West turned his phone and app passwords over to police and FBI investigators. He said Mateen didn’t reveal his name, but he recognized him from the photo Mateen had posted on the app, which matched one of the gunman released after the shooting.

On Thursday, he dismissed federal investigators’ doubts.

“No one is lying about him being on there,” West said of the gay apps, adding that “once you have the app and delete your profile, it’s gone.”

As these Islamic terrorist attacks continue, we can expect to hear more politically correct lectures– like the one that Obama gave us after the Orlando massacre, where he spent a considerable amount of time admonishing us that we are to respect Islam as a religion of peace. Meanwhile, death and destruction continues to be perpetrated by these radical Islamic savages.

The French people deserve the truth. The German people deserve the truth. Americans deserve the truth. The entire world deserves the truth! And the truth is that Europe has lost control of its borders, its towns and even major cities– because of Socialist laws that have violated the sovereignty of entire nations.

Having survived Communism, I can say that Europeans and Americans can expect Socialists to continue giving them half truths! And a half-truth is nothing but a carefully crafted lie by corrupt government officials through socialist (“progressive”) consensus.

We cannot afford to end up like Europe. Great Britain has led the way through Brexit. Americans must do the same by voting for Donald Trump– the only one who has had the guts (in decades) to put our safety first.

Someone has to say the truth…

Copyright © Marielena Montesino de Stuart. All rights reserved.


Bastille Day terrorist used dating apps to meet MEN with his phone filled with photos of love conquests – The Sun

Nice terror attack: ‘soldier of Islam’ Bouhlel ‘took drugs and used dating sites to pick up men and women’


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Manuel Valls, Socialist Prime Minister of France, Nice terrorist attack, Orlando terrorist attack, Germany terrorist attacks, Socialism, Socialists, Marielena Montesino de Stuart, Donald Trump.


UPDATE: Great Britain

These politicians may have their imperfections, but because of them, environmentalists and globalists socialists are not happy today.

By Marielena Montesino de Stuart

UK's Prime Minister Theresa May
UK’s Prime Minister, Theresa May
One of Theresa May’s first acts as the new Prime Minister of Great Britain has been to dismantle the climate change department and file it under the new Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy.

Andrea Leadsom - UK's new Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
Andrea Leadsom – UK’s new Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
In addition, Prime Minister May has assigned Andrea Leadsom to the position of Environment Secretary.  Leadsom, who briefly campaigned against May,  is known for supporting fox hunting and for opposing climate change measures.


This means that the climate change and environmentalist agenda received a big blow today– because their issues are not getting special treatment anymore– but will be addressed as part of a larger program that prioritizes Great Britain’s needs in the business, energy and industrial sectors.

More wow…

Boris Johnson, UK's New Foreign Secretary
Boris Johnson, UK’s New Foreign Secretary
In addition, Prime Minister May has assigned the colorful and opinionated Boris Johnson, former mayor of London, to represent Britain around the world as Foreign Secretary.  In an article published by The Sun, Johnson referred to Obama as “the part-Kenyan President.”

Here is an excerpt of Boris Johnson’s opinion piece, published on April 22, 2016:

Something mysterious happened when Barack Obama entered the Oval Office in 2009.

Something vanished from that room, and no one could quite explain why.

It was a bust of Winston Churchill – the great British war time leader. It was a fine goggle-eyed object, done by the brilliant sculptor Jacob Epstein, and it had sat there for almost ten years.

But on day one of the Obama administration it was returned, without ceremony, to the British embassy in Washington.

No one was sure whether the President had himself been involved in the decision.

Some said it was a snub to Britain. Some said it was a symbol of the part-Kenyan President’s ancestral dislike of the British empire – of which Churchill had been such a fervent defender.

Some said that perhaps Churchill was seen as less important than he once was. Perhaps his ideas were old-fashioned and out of date.

Well, if that’s why Churchill was banished from the Oval Office, they could not have been more wrong.

In addition, on May 18, 2016 Boris Johnson was announced as the winner of The Spectator‘s Offensive Poetry Competition about Erdoğan (Turkey’s Islamic President) — where he referred to Erdoğan as a goat… well… I’ll let his poem describe it:

Quote from The Spectator:

“I’m pleased to announce that we have a winner of The Spectator’s President Erdogan Offensive Poetry competition, and here it is [bold added for emphasis]:

There was a young fellow from Ankara 

Who was a terrific wankerer

Till he sowed his wild oats

With the help of a goat

But he didn’t even stop to thankera.

The author of this winning entry is former Mayor of London and chief Brexiteer, Boris Johnson MP.”

David Davis - UK's Secretary of State for Exiting the European Union
David Davis – UK’s Secretary of State for Exiting the European Union
And as to throw Jean-Claude Juncker into a tizzy (Juncker is President of the EU’s European Commission)– Theresa May has assigned  David Davis as Secretary of State for Exiting the European Union. Here is what Davis has to say about the EU and immigration:

“Once the European nations realize that we are not going to budge on control of our borders, they will want to talk, in their own interest.”

Sounds like Prime Minister Theresa May has come out swinging hard, straight out of the box.

Someone has to say the truth…

Copyright © Marielena Montesino de Stuart. All rights reserved.

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Boris Johnson: UK and America can be better friends than ever Mr Obama… if we LEAVE the EU – The Sun

Boris Johnson wins The Spectator’s President Erdogan Offensive Poetry competition | Coffee House


United Kingdom, Great Britain, Climate Change, Environmentalists, UK Prime Minister Theresa May, Andrea Leadsom, Boris Johnson, David Davis, Erdogan, Turkey, Jean-Claude Juncker, European Commission, Obama, Marielena Montesino de Stuart.


By Marielena Montesino de Stuart

Señor Trump… are you listening to the pleas of the dissidents and political prisoners inside Cuba? Are you listening to the voices of those of us that support you– as freedom-loving Americans who survived Communism? I hope so.

Aman was arrested in Havana for waving an American flag– as an apparent “ship of fools” arrived in Havana’s harbor. The vessel was filled with tourists eager to enjoy themselves in the island prison– a sad and morbid style of tourism.

Townhall posted the following report on May 4, 2016 at 6:55pm, titled “Cuban Dissident Arrested For Waving American Flag As Cruise Ship Enters Havana” [excerpt]:

A Cuban dissident was arrested on Monday for waving the American flag near the Havana pier where the Carnival cruise ship Adonia docked on Monday.

The man, Daniel Llorente, was holding the flag across his back at the waterfront as the ship approached. He was detained after making a speech about liberty on the communist island. It’s unclear what charges were leveled against him.

A video of the event shows a crowd of tourists and locals gathering around Llorente, and him getting into a verbal exchange with an unnamed woman. The arrest was first reported by Noticias Martí, a Miami-based news organization focused on Cuba.

“You’re making a clown of yourself,” the woman told him. “The American flag. What are you doing, for God’s sake?”

He responded testily.

“What are you doing here? Hypocrite,” Llorente said. “This is a symbol of American pride.”

Cuba is the ultimate representation of globalism– where the good of the collective comes before the God-given rights of the individual. As such, anything a person says or does can be considered disruptive to the interests of the Communist government.

Everything is controlled in Cuba, which means that the government restricts food consumption, population growth (through a horrific 60% rate of abortions). In addition, Cuban citizens do not have the right to peaceful public assembly nor to move freely inside the island. Anything considered suspicious can land the person in jail– or worse.

But the above Dantesque scenario did not stop Obama from enacting his one-way “diplomacy” with Cuba, which has proven to be a total embarrassment  considering the barrage of insults and condemnations spewed at him by Fidel Castro and his thugs, since his “historic” visit to Cuba. In fact, the insults began as soon as Obama left the island.

Señor Trump, I admire your rejection of globalism, as expressed in your foreign policy speech on April 27.  I have raised my glass in support of your campaign for POTUS– but remember that there’s no such thing as a “deal” with Communists. You have said that you will always improve or change on issues where you are wrong. Two of these issues are abortion and Cuba’s rogue government. I have always insisted that you must be absolutely strict against both– because they involve matters of life or death– where there’s no room for “deals.”

Please listen to the pleas of the dissidents and political prisoners inside Cuba and the voices of those of us, freedom-loving Americans that support you–  who survived Communism, the most horrific totalitarian nightmare known to humanity, with over 120 million dead victims– and counting.

Someone has to say the truth…

Copyright © Marielena Montesino de Stuart. All rights reserved.

You may contact Marielena HERE
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Communism | “Gay Rights” | Kenya | Obama | Pope Francis | Terrorism | China | Cuba | Iran | Planned Parenthood |

President of Kenya to Obama: Gay Rights is a Nonissue to Kenyans

It’s warm and humid in Nairobi– and I don’t think that Obama has had his sip of Chang’aa, a Kenyan brew needed in order to face the staunch position that Kenyans have on the issue of homosexuality.

In fact, I’m watching the live press conference– where President Barack Obama and Uhuru Kenyatta, the President of the Republic of Kenya are exchanging their views according to protocol. But when Obama brought up the issue of “gay rights”– President Kenyatta was unmoved. Kenyatta firmly and clearly responded that while Kenya and the United States share many values– such as love for democracy, entrepreneurship, the value of the family, etc.– there are some things that they do not share and do not accept– and one of them is “gay rights.” President Kenyatta emphasized that Kenyans are more interested in the inclusivity of women, Kenya’s infrastructure, education, roads, entrepreneurship– but “gay rights is a nonissue“– and “is not foremost on the minds of Kenyans.”

President Kenyatta put Obama in his place, by defending his country’s culture and fundamental moral values– and not letting Obama plow through Kenya with his entourage of United Nations intruders from the homosexual collective.

Kenya has a lot of problems to deal with, which now includes terrorism. The last thing Kenyans need is for their society to focus on the sexual proclivities of a very small group.

Obama and the homosexual collective should focus on denouncing Islamic extremists who are brutally murdering homosexuals by throwing them off the top of tall buildings. With the danger of Islamic terrorism encroaching on Kenyan territory– imagine the danger that homosexuals would face at the hands of Islamic extremists if they are allowed to publicly promote their sexual agenda.

It’s time to lift the fog… someone has to say the truth.

IMPORTANT RELATED ARTICLE: African Officials Repudiate United Nations Stealth Homosexual Clause 

#Kenya #UhuruKenyatta #BarackObama #MarielenaMontesinodeStuart


Copyright © Marielena Montesino de Stuart. All rights reserved.

Obama needs a sip of ‘Chang’aa’ during his visit to Kenya

By Marielena Montesino de Stuart

HEY BROTHER… CAN YOU SPARE A SIP OF CHANG’AA – OBAMA’S VISIT TO KENYA – Copyright © Marielena Montesino de Stuart. All rights reserved.

It doesn’t look like Kenyans are too excited to see Obama in their neighborhood. Kenyans have strict laws against the legalization of homosexual “marriage”– and they are not going to put up with Obama’s lectures about homosexual rights. They’ve warned him repeatedly.

Nairobi, Kenya’s capital city, has come to a screeching halt– with massive security measures for Obama’s visit, which are nothing less than disruptive to its citizens– who are used to the city’s frenetic pace.

But Kenyans are taking Obama’s visit in stride– and making the best of it by selling tee shirts and trinkets with Obama’s image on them. They have even issued travel advisories– such as the one from Joseph Warungu, a Kenyan journalist who has recommended that Obama drink Chang’aa in order to relax– with its nearly 100% alcohol content, which “literally burns the inside, turning black lips into flaming red features.”

Kenyans are ready for Obama… and with a sip of Chang’aa he’s going to be just fine.

Important related article: African Officials Repudiate Stealth United Nations Homosexual Clause


Reference: A sip of Chang’aa

#Obama #Kenya #Africa #Nairobi #Changaa #News #CurrentEvents #MarielenaMontesinodeStuart


Copyright © Marielena Montesino de Stuart. All rights reserved.

Pope Francis needs to talk to Donald Trump

By Marielena Montesino de Stuart

Both Donald Trump and Francis like to say whatever is on their minds– but so far Trump has figured out how to express his views with tremendous vigor– while staying at the top of the polls. The same cannot be said about Francis, whose popularity is waning among American Catholics. Not a good thing, considering that he will visit the U.S. in September.

Francis… it looks like you need to consult “The Donald.”

You want his number?

Reference Gallup Poll:  Pope Francis’s Favorable Ratings Drop

#popefrancis #DonaldTrump #thedonald #thevatican #marielenamontesinodestuart

Copyright © Marielena Montesino de Stuart. All rights reserved.

Ouch! The Vatican bans Vaticanista Sandro Magister

By Marielena Montesino de Stuart

The activity out of the Vatican defies our wildest expectations. Here is Sandro Magister– one of Rome’s most famous vaticanisti, finding himself banished from the Vatican on this warm summer evening in Rome– for reportedly leaking the “Environmental” Encyclical.

My goodness… it’s not like it’s the Watergate tapes! It’s just another liberal encyclical!

What’s next in this modernist saga of encyclopedic pronouncements and “who-am-I-to-judge” moments under Francis’s pontificate?

Reference: Straight from the horse’s mouth… in Italian  La Repubblica

#PopeFrancis #SandroMagister #TheVatican #marielenamontesinodestuart #Chiesa #LaRepubblica

Copyright © Marielena Montesino de Stuart. All rights reserved.

Terrorism against anyone or any group of people is evil

TERRORISM AGAINST ANYONE OR ANY GROUP OF PEOPLE IS EVIL Copyright © Marielena Montesino de Stuart. All rights reserved.

I continue to pray for the innocent victims of so many evil terrorist acts– everywhere, including the Middle East, Europe and in the United States. Terrorism is evil, whether it is carried out by an Islamic or a Christian extremist– or by any other individual, religious, political or corporate entity, against anyone or any group– and this includes the unborn.

Marielena Montesino de Stuart
Friday – July 24, 2015

It’s time to lift the fog… someone has to say the truth.


Daily Mail 

THE GATES OF HELL: A Moonlight Serenade for a Baby Never Born 

#Terrorism #IslamicExtremists #ChristianExtremists #Lafayette #Chattanooga #MiddleEast #Europe#plannedparenthood

Copyright © Marielena Montesino de Stuart. All rights reserved.

How the communists in China handle money

By Marielena Montesino de Stuart

Stick your chopsticks on this one:

China’s politicians have inflated equity prices and– as typical communists– made a mess of their response to the collapse that wiped out $4 trillion in less than 30 days. Ready to bet your money on China? I hope not!

What just took place should serve as ANOTHER WARNING that you can never trust communists. So much for Xi Jinping’s economic reforms. The handling of this financial crisis simply shows that the Chinese communist regime wants a determining role in the markets.

#China #Economy #FinancialCrisis #Communism #marielenamontesinodestuart

Copyright © Marielena Montesino de Stuart. All rights reserved.

Cuba, Iran and Terrorism

By Marielena Montesino de Stuart

Foreign Policy:

Let’s hope that you will not be drawn into the fog of farcical diplomatic rhetoric about Cuba. Open your eyes and learn about the dangerous liaison between the US and Havana:

Cuba’s Dangerous Environment:

#ForeignPolicy #Obama #Cuba #Communism #Terrorism #Iran #Venezuela #MarielenaMontesinodeStuart

Copyright © Marielena Montesino de Stuart. All rights reserved.

Will US Attorney General Loretta Lynch address the content of the Planned Parenthood undercover videos?

By Marielena Montesino de Stuart

Urgent public policy issue:

How many videos will it take for the US Attorney General, Loretta Lynch, to address the activity depicted by some of Planned Parenthood’s executives? The organization that has conducted the undercover investigation has announced that it will continue to release more videos involving the sale of baby tissue and body parts. Is the US Attorney General paying attention?

#Abortion #plannedparenthood #marielena-montesino-de-stuart-2 #USAttorneyGeneral #LorettaLynch #PublicPolicy

Copyright © Marielena Montesino de Stuart. All rights reserved.

PAGES OF HISTORY: Pope Francis and the Marxist Hammer and Sickle Crucifix

By Marielena Montesino de Stuart

Socialists love to erase history… so let’s make sure we keep our eyes on it.

Here is the interview conducted during the flight from Paraguay to Rome– where Francis talks about the hammer and sickle crucifix he received from the very Marxist President of Bolivia, Evo Morales.

Pope Francis and the Hammer and Sickle Crucifix


Aura Vistas Miguel, (Radio Renascenca):

Well, there’s no group. It’s just me from Portugal. (laughing) Holiness, what did you think when you saw the hammer and sickle with Christ on it? And where did this object end up? What did you think when you saw the hammer and sickle with the Christ on it, given to you by Evo Morales? And where did this object end up?

Pope Francis:

Ah, yes, truly. I heard ‘mantello’ (editor’s note: mantle, cloak: ‘mantello’ is similar to ‘martello,’ the Italian for hammer, that’s why the Pope needed the question repeated), and I didn’t understand. It’s curious, I didn’t know this, nor did I know that Fr. Espinal was a sculptor and also a poet. I learned this in these days. I saw it and for me it was a surprise. Secondly, you can qualify it in the genre of “protest art” – for example in Buenos Aires, some years ago, there was an exhibit of a good sculptor, creative, Argentine, who is now dead. It was protest art, and I recall one, it was a crucified Christ on a bomber that was falling down, no? It’s Christianity, but a criticism that, let’s say, Christianity allied with imperialism, which is the bomber. The genre that first I didn’t know, and secondly, I would qualify it as protest art, which in some cases can be offensive, in some cases. Thirdly, in this concrete case, Fr Espinal was killed in 1980. It was a time when liberation theology had many different branches. One of the branches was with Marxist analysis of reality. Fr Espinal belonged to this, this. Yes, I knew because I was in those years rector of the theology faculty and we talked a lot about it, about the different branches and who were the representatives, no? In the same year, the general of the Society (of Jesus), Fr. Arrupe, wrote a letter to the whole Society on the Marxist analysis of reality in theology. Stopping on this point saying, “it’s no good, these are different things, it’s not right, it’s not correct.” And, four years later in 1984, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith published the first small volume, the first declaration on liberation theology that criticizes this. Then comes the second, which opens to a more Christian perspective. I’m simplifying, no? Let’s do the hermeneutic of that time: Espinal was an enthusiast of this Marxist analysis of the reality, but also of theology using Marxism. From this, he came up with this work. Also the poetry of Espinal was of this kind of protest. But, it was his life, it was his thought. He was a special man, with so much human geniality, who fought in good faith, no? Making a hermeneutic like this, I understand this work. For me it wasn’t an offense, but I had to do this hermeneutic, and I say it to you so that there aren’t any wrong opinions.

Vistas: Did you leave it there?

Pope Francis:

No, it’s traveling with me. Maybe you heard that President Morales wished to give me two honors, the most important of Bolivia (editor’s note: the Condor of Andes) and the other of the Order of Fr. Espinal, a new order (editor’s note: the Senate of Bolivia approved it June 30). If I … first, I’ve never accepted honors. I don’t do it. But, he did it with so much good will and with so much pleasure to please me. And, I thought that this comes from the people of Bolivia. So I prayed about it, what I should do. (I thought,) If I bring it to the Vatican it’ll go to the museum and end up there and no one … I thought about leaving it with Our Lady of Copacabana, the Mother of Bolivia, which will go to the sanctuary. The two honors will be in the Shrine of Our Lady of Copacabana, the Madonna, while the Christ is coming with me. Thanks.

#pope-francis #Marxism #thevatican #marielenamontesinodestuart #socialists

PAGES OF HISTORY: Pope Francis and the Marxist Hammer and Sickle Crucifix

Copyright © Marielena Montesino de Stuart. All rights reserved.

Communists meet at the Vatican

By Marielena Montesino de Stuart

Here is the latest exciting event held the modernist Vatican– where each day is filled with surprises.

A Bunch of communists met at the Vatican

#the-vatican #communism #popefrancis #marielenamontesinodestuart #SustainableDevelopment #Agenda21#Lubyanka20

Copyright © Marielena Montesino de Stuart. All rights reserved.

Pope Francis, the hammer and sickle and the Marxist touch

By Marielena Montesino de Stuart

Francis recently visited Bolivia and received a crucifix with Christ nailed to a hammer and sickle in the form of a cross. The fact that the very Marxist President of Bolivia, Evo Morales, dared to present this gift to Francis speaks volumes!

This commentary may help you understand: Francis and the Marxist Touch

Someone has to say the truth…

#PopeFrancis #MarielenaMontesinodeStuart #marxism #the-vatican #marielenaspeaks #marielenamontesinodestuart

Abortion as an urgent issue during the presidential election cycle

By Marielena Montesino de Stuart

There is no question that abortion and the sale of baby tissue and body parts will be front and center during this presidential election cycle– but will the candidates have the courage to take this urgent issue and make it a priority in their campaigns? After all… didn’t one of them say “all lives matter”?

Please read THE GATES OF HELL: A Moonlight Serenade for a Baby Never Born 

#Abortion #PlannedParenthood #TheGatesofHell #MarielenaMontesinodeStuart #AllLivesMatter

Francis in the Vatican and Abroad

By Marielena Montesino de Stuart

The world has seen and heard from Francis in the Vatican more than anyone could have imagined… but his rhetoric and actions do not take me by surprise. It’s time to read the Francis Archive– and you will not look so completely bewildered!


#pope-francis, #the-vatican#Marxism#MarielenaMontesinodeStuart