REMEMBER… “Is America Fading into the Distance?”

By Marielena Montesino de Stuart

I wrote the following commentary shortly after my candidacy for the United States Senate (on the ballot 2012, Florida). It is important to revisit the facts laid out:

Is America Fading into the Distance?”

Is America fading into the distance?

Someone has to say the truth…

Copyright © Marielena Montesino de Stuart. All rights reserved.

Communism in California: It’s Official

Communists have been openly welcomed and embraced in California for decades. But now, it’s official.

Being a member of the Communist Party would no longer be a fireable offense for state jobs under a measure narrowly approved by the California Assembly on Monday.”– LA Times, May 8, 2017

By Marielena Montesino de Stuart

International Communism

Communism has been on the march since the Bolshevik takeover of Russia. You have been lied to about the “fall of Communism.” There is no such thing. Communism is alive and thriving all over the world. It has been repackaged as social justice, sustainable development, sustainability, regional governance— and a myriad of other “smart” labels to mislead the public and gain access to the taxpayer’s pocket– through taxation and obscene regulatory practices, which restrict private sector growth and freedom in general.

Communism is engulfing the world.  Consider Europe and the French presidential election.  Gone are the days of French national pride. Now, patriotism (love of country) and the defense of sovereignty are labeled as “narrow nationalism” by the European Union bureaucrats, and echoed by the mainstream media, which serves as the propaganda arm of international communism.

This rejection of national pride explains why Emmanuel Macron marched to the tune of the EU’s anthem, and not the French anthem, as he walked the long path to the victory stage in Paris, to deliver his speech as the new President of France.  Angela Merkel is happy, along with her friends in Brussels.

Young people all over the world are increasingly not just identifying as socialists (communist-lite)— but now they’re coming out as unabashedly communist.

In the United States, California has led the way in this Communist march. Communists can feel at home and relaxed in California, knowing that their state government jobs are secure, in spite of their hideous and dangerous ideology.

So, for the sake of keeping a record of these tragic moments in our nation’s history, please read what is about to become obsolete:  California Government Code Section 1027.5, quoted below:

There exists a world-wide revolutionary movement to establish a totalitarian dictatorship based upon force and violence rather than upon law.

This world-wide revolutionary movement is predicated upon and it is designed and intended to carry into execution the basic precepts of communism as expounded by Marx, Lenin, and Stalin.

Pursuant to the objectives of the world communism movement, in numerous foreign countries the legally constituted governments have been overthrown and totalitarian dictatorships established therein against the will of the people, and the establishment of similar dictatorships in other countries is imminently threatening. The successful establishment of totalitarian dictatorships has consistently been aided, accompanied, or accomplished by repeated acts of treachery, deceit, teaching of false doctrines, teaching untruth, together with organized confusion, insubordination, and disloyalty, fostered, directed, instigated, or employed by communist organizations and their members in such countries…”

Someone has to say the truth…

Copyright © Marielena Montesino de Stuart. All rights reserved.


Reference: LA Times

AN ACT OF COWARDICE: U.S. Diplomatic Relations with Communist Cuba

By Marielena Montesino de Stuart

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AN ACT OF COWARDICE - U.S. Diplomatic Relations with Communist Cuba - Copyright © Marielena Montesino de Stuart. All rights reserved.

I am listening to Secretary of State John Kerry’s poor pronunciation in Spanish as he addresses the Cuban people in Havana during the opening of the American Embassy in the communist island prison. A Cuban woman stands in the crowd wearing a red Che Guevara tee shirt and waves a Cuban flag.

In case you don’t know, Che Guevara was a blood-thirsty communist responsible for ordering the execution of thousands of innocent Cubans during the beginning of Castro’s takeover of the island. The dissemination and glamorizing of his image on everything from coffee mugs to tee shirts is one of the most evil and deceitful communist marketing ploys of modern times.

Barack Obama and his troupe of socialist operatives have managed to not only humiliate the United States in the eyes of history– but are also attempting to erase Castro’s murderous communist history of more than half a century.

As John Kerry stands with the beautiful azure Caribbean Sea in the background I ask myself how he can ignore the Cuban people who are behind prison bars for peacefully expressing their views about Castro’s tyrannical government. I ask myself, how he can stand there and ignore that a few hours ago the Cuban government did another ruthless roundup of peaceful political dissenters.

Now Kerry is speaking about lifting the embargo, which he explained only the U.S. Congress can lift– a step which the Obama administration strongly favors. Ah yes, the U.S. Embargo against Cuba’s Communist regime– which exists only on paper– because the amount of goods and aid that the U.S. provides Cuba each year is breathtaking.

The entire world does business with Cuba.  The entire world! So the truth is that Cuba has had an incredible flow of commerce which has ended in the hands of the communist military government– and is used to line the pockets of military and government officials– while oppressing and starving the people of Cuba.

Kerry thanked those who brought about this diplomatic abomination– most notably Barack Obama, Raul Castro and “the Holy Father.”

Isn’t it interesting that socialists love Pope Francis? But of course, Francis’s narrative has been rich in laudable statements for Marxists, Sustainable Development (U.N. International socialism), climate change– in other words, Pope Francis is crowning the socialist modernism that Vatican II envisioned.

Visit The Francis Archive— to read Marielena Montesino de Stuart’s

insightful essays about Pope Francis, Marxism and the Vatican

Meanwhile, Castro’s government remains defiant as a communist nation– going as far as to state that the United States owes Cuba millions of dollars! Imagine that, a communist government which stole and confiscated private property– and destroyed the Cuban economy along with the hard-work and livelihood of thousands of Cubans– is now demanding money from Americans!

Kerry quoted José Martí (Cuba’s most famous national hero and a prominent literary figure in the Spanish language) with the words, “everything that divides men is a sin against humanity.”

Indeed the division between Cuba and the rest of humanity runs deep. The deaths of thousands of Cubans whose bodies lie in the watery graves of the Strait of Florida are silent witnesses of this division– along with those who have been imprisoned, tortured, executed and thrown into unmarked graves, like members of my family.

Yes, the communist sin against humanity continues in Cuba. I was born and raised under Castro’s tyranny– and I will not cease to denounce the diplomatic abomination that has taken place today.

I urge my readers to do the same.

It’s time to lift the fog… someone has to say the truth.

Copyright © Marielena Montesino de Stuart. All rights reserved.

Don't miss Marielena Montesino de Stuart's acclaimed essay,
CUBA: 55 years of communist terror erased from history 


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actualidades, Barack Obama, communism, cuba, current events, internacional, international, Marielena Montesino de Stuart, marxism, news, noticias, notizie, nouvelles, Pope Francis, Socialism, Someone has to say the truth, sustainable development, the vatican, diplomacy

VENEZUELA: Obama’s next ‘deal’ | THE GATES OF HELL: ‘Intact Fetuses’ at Planned Parenthood | Obama’s Next Miracle | The White House and Planned Parenthood | THE GATES OF HELL: Planned Parenthood VP says Fetuses may come out intact |

VENEZUELA: Obama’s next ‘deal’

By Marielena Montesino de Stuart

VENEZUELA - Obama's next deal - Copyright © Marielena Montesino de Stuart. All rights reserved.

Venezuela’s sharp descent into the hellhole of socialism should serve as another example of what happens when Cuba’s aggressive internationalist intervention is left unchecked.

Cuba’s top military officers– along with other government officials and “educators” from Havana have been running Venezuela for a long time– in fact, this has been taking place since the days when Venezuela was under Hugo Chavez’s communist boot. The presence of Havana’s operatives in Caracas has been so pervasive and persistent that the average Venezuelan has grown sick and tired of Cuba’s intrusion in the affairs of their country.

The current “president” of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, cannot spew enough hateful sentences against Americans– with the exception of Obama, whom he does seem to like. Surprised?  So, as Venezuela quickly approaches a socialist humanitarian crisis– guess who is about to come to the rescue?

Barack Obama!

My readers should not be surprised that Venezuela would be the next “deal” for Obama– after Cuba and Iran. After all, Obama appears to be on a brazen course to solidify socialism, not just in the United States, but around the world– as a proxy for the United Nations.

Of course, this new deal with Venezuela will be gift-wrapped for the American taxpayer in the form of humanitarian aid, prevention of mass exodus and the spread of diseases– as more violence is anticipated during the December legislative elections in Caracas– which will be replete with political chicanery behind closed doors– with the help of Cuban agents.

Venezuela has the world’s largest oil reserves and is the 12th largest oil producer in the world. Hugo Chavez used the Venezuelan oil revenue to “redistribute the wealth”– but since communists cannot handle money (other than to hoard it for themselves) now Venezuelans have to face the reality of a gravy train which has dried up and which started to slow down well before the 50% drop in prices at the end of 2014. Inflation rose to 62%– and real estate and businesses have been confiscated left and right by Maduro– following orders from Havana. Maduro– who would not know how to run a business if his life depended on it, has established incompetent and corrupt state-run industries which have further impoverished the people of Venezuela.

In other words, Venezuela is another Cuba.

Venezuelans lack basic human goods and services, including food, properly run hospitals and medicines. To make matters worse, Venezuela is suffering from a brain-drain of professionals who are fleeing or refusing to work under the despotic Cuban-run government of Caracas.

We are left with a “perfect socialist storm”– so predictable in fact, because Venezuela has been set up to fail, in order that the United States and other nations could join in saving it through Sustainable Development programs– which get their money from… guess who?  You, the taxpayer.

This is called international socialism. It is here and it should be of great concern to all who stand for freedom and against government corruption. Adding insult to injury is the fact that many so-called “conservatives” in the United States are lining their pockets through taxpayer-funded sustainability projects, such as Public-Private Partnerships (PPP’s) in the field of construction, education and other ventures (both in the U.S. and abroad) as part of this international socialist scam to make this a better world by bailing out corrupt rogue states and aiding communist regimes.

Are you seeing the pattern here?

First the “Cuban deal.”

Then the “Iran deal.”

Now the “Venezuelan deal.”

The regimes of these three despotic states are close friends and all three hate America. But Obama wants to help them out.

Americans… welcome to socialism!

It’s time to lift the fog… someone has to say the truth.

Copyright © Marielena Montesino de Stuart. All rights reserved.

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THE GATES OF HELL: “Intact Fetuses ‘Just a Matter of Line Items’ for Planned Parenthood Texas Mega-Center”

By Marielena Montesino de Stuart

THE GATES OF HELL - Intact Fetuses 'Just a Matter of Line Items' for Planned Parenthood Texas Mega-Center - Copyright © Marielena Montesino de Stuart. All rights reserved.

Think of your child and the excitement you felt when you learned of his or her existence– then at 16 weeks, 18 weeks, 20 weeks– as you waited for your baby’s arrival in this world. Now think of the millions of beautiful babies who are brutally dismembered through abortion– and are treated as “line items” on a financial budget sheet at barbaric abortion centers like Planned Parenthood, as their body parts and tissues are sold to the highest bidder.

Barack Obama is doing absolutely nothing, as would be expected from the most pro-abortion president in the history of the United States.

The world is mortally wounded. There’s no other way to describe the magnitude of this human massacre, which continues as I write this post.

Are you still pro-choice? Remember that the correct nomenclature is Pro-Abortion. “Pro-choice” is the politically-correct term made up by liberals/socialists to lie to the masses about what really goes on during an abortion.

After watching the following latest video– can you live with yourself and still find excuses for abortion– knowing the truth behind this barbaric practice?

This is terrorism against innocent little babies who cannot defend themselves.

Where do you go from here? Because anyone who justifies abortion is complicit in this crime against humanity.

It’s time to lift the fog… someone has to say the truth.

Copyright © Marielena Montesino de Stuart. All rights reserved.

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Click on image below to watch video: 


Abortion, BarackObama, Marielena Montesino de Stuart, Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast Texas Mega Center, Prolife, Prochoice,  The Gates of Hell, International, Internacional, News, Noticias, Actualidades, Current Events, Terrorism, L’Avortement, Aborto, בינלאו, הפלה

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OBAMA’S NEXT MIRACLE: Forcing the Sun to Shine at Night

By Marielena Montesino de Stuart

Consistent with his commitment to radically change America– Obama has his eyes on an even bolder goal: to force the sun to shine at night.

OBAMA'S NEXT MIRACLE - FORCING THE SUN TO SHINE AT NIGHT. Copyright © Marielena Montesino de Stuart. All Rights reserved.

You see, Obama is determined to destroy the coal industry by replacing it with solar and wind power. So, in order to make solar and wind energy efficient and reliable Obama is determined to force the sun to shine at night. A kind of Arctic and Antarctic Summer Solstice phenomenon, if you will, that Obama will bring about right here in America under his “Yes We Can” slogan.

Here’s what the New York Times (2 Aug. 2015) had to say about Obama’s energy plan:

“Obama to Unveil Tougher Environmental Plan With His Legacy in Mind”

In the strongest action ever taken in the United States to combat climate change, President Obama will unveil on Monday a set of environmental regulations devised to sharply cut planet-warming greenhouse gas emissions from the nation’s power plants and ultimately transform America’s electricity industry.

The rules are the final, tougher versions of proposed regulations that the Environmental Protection Agency announced in 2012 and 2014. If they withstand the expected legal challenges, the regulations will set in motion sweeping policy changes that could shut down hundreds of coal-fired power plants, freeze construction of new coal plants and create a boom in the production of wind and solar power and other renewable energy sources.

Coal is what helped build this nation. It has been and remains the least expensive and reliable source of energy. Without coal, the Industrial Revolution would not have taken place– and the United States could not have been developed at such an incredible pace. Beyond reliability and affordability, coal is also the source of employment for millions. This includes those employed in the coal derivatives industry– another evidence of the robust need for coal around the world, including energy-hungry China and India.

Obama is clueless about coal

Obama is a good socialist– as such, he is an enemy of coal through his climate change program– which is part of an international development agenda with a relentless attack on the coal industry.

Like so many of these socialist campaigns (such as homosexual “marriage” as a human right, abortion as “social justice and healthcare for women”)– the campaign against coal seeks to pressure companies to consider the “immorality” of those who oppose this pernicious agenda against coal.

This is the same international development agenda responsible for the destruction of the coal industry in Spain. Please read my commentary titled, TEARS IN THE MINE SHAFT: The strangling of the coal industry in the U.S. and Spain. 

Obama ignores the fact that coal allows for excellent storage and development of systems that provide clean drinking water, food and medicine storage, manufacturing of clothing, as well as national and international transportation. The world’s consumption of coal has increased exponentially– almost as much as oil and gas combined– and much more than all forms of renewable energy. But none of these stubborn facts seem to matter to Obama– who is determined to turn America into the new land of the midnight sun.

Ah… Obama, the miracle worker.

It’s time to lift the fog… someone has to say the truth.

Copyright © Marielena Montesino de Stuart. All rights reserved.

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QUESTION: Does the White House consider Savagery at Planned Parenthood to be the ‘highest ethical standards’?

By Marielena Montesino de Stuart

This nation has descended into hell. As such, we are left with no option but to ask questions– such as the one that appears as the title of this post.

The White House press secretary, Josh Earnest, issued the following statement regarding the Planned Parenthood videos, which unequivocally show the savagery that is taking place at Planned Parenthood’s death camp– with the support of the American taxpayer’s hard earned money.

Here is Josh Earnest’s statement:

“I think Planned Parenthood has been quite specific about the policies and procedures that they have in place, and I know they have described those policies and procedures as living up to the highest ethical standards.”

This is an urgent criminal and public policy matter which the Department of Justice must address at once. It involves public safety, public interest through taxpayer money– as well as violations of human rights. As I said before and during my campaign for the United States Senate (Republican on the ballot 2012 FL)– if Americans continue to tolerate the murder of innocent, helpless babies– then America has no future.

It’s time to lift the fog… someone has to say the truth.

Copyright © Marielena Montesino de Stuart. All rights reserved.

Abortion, PP, Planned Parenthood, Marielena Montesino de Stuart

#Abortion #PP #PlannedParenthood #MarielenaMontesinodeStuart

THE GATES OF HELL: ‘Planned Parenthood VP Says Fetuses May Come Out Intact, Agrees Payments Specific to the Specimen’

By Marielena Montesino de Stuart

Planned Parenthood must be immediately defunded and shut down by order of the federal government. This is an urgent criminal and public policy matter.


THE GATES OF HELL - PLANNED PARENTHOOD VP SAYS FETUSES MAY COME OUT INTACT.... Copyright © Marielena Montesino de Stuart. All rights reserved.

During my campaign for the United States Senate (on the ballot 2012 – Florida) I always ended my speeches by asking the audience to “join me and stand on the side of the angels.”

This statement was not just something I said with heartfelt emotion– but it was also preceded by a warning that extremely dark times lay ahead– and our nation had to prepare to stop the evil that would destroy every aspect of our society. Sadly, since 2012 the United States has continued to spiral violently out of control– straight into a socialist abyss of abortion, trafficking in human baby body parts, homosexual “marriage”, jihadist threats and attacks– as well as financial uncertainty.

I came to this country as a political refugee from Fidel Castro’s communist hell hole– and clung to the words “God Bless America.” These words encompassed all my hopes and dreams of American freedom– and the good that could come from the promise of such freedom. But I ask myself– how can God continue to bless a nation that has squandered its blessings and is self-destructing by attacking innocent human life? The United States has degenerated into a nation that values money and the life of an animal more than the life of a human helpless baby. What future is there for a nation like this?

The following video released today by the Center for Medical Progress is part of a web series exposing the savage practices conducted at Planned Parenthood with your taxpayer money. These videos provide indisputable evidence of Planned Parenthood’s brutality.

Planned Parenthood must be immediately defunded and shut down by order of the federal government. This is an urgent criminal and public policy matter.

WARNING: The content of this video is extremely disturbing. Viewer discretion is advised.

It’s time to lift the fog… someone has to say the truth.

Copyright © Marielena Montesino de Stuart. All rights reserved.

Abortion, PP, Planned Parenthood, Baby Body Parts, Marielena Montesino de Stuart, Breaking News, Current Events.

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By Marielena Montesino de Stuart

Honoring our Veterans

Not long ago I stood with my family at Arlington Cemetery in front of the tomb of the unknown soldier, where I took this photo. I thought of the brave soldiers who gave up their lives, and the courageous veterans who have served to keep our nation free and safe.

Today, Vice President Joe Biden stood on the same spot in honor of Veterans Day. But we should be asking an important question, while the current White House administration attends these ceremonies:

Is our government doing enough to protect our veterans?

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During the last few months it has been heartbreaking to hear how health care facilities that were established to serve veterans with their health care needs, have failed to do so. These are the fruits of a government system that values socialist “sustainability” measures– instead of valuing the protection of innocent human life.

May God bless and protect our veterans and their families– and May God bless the United States of America.

Someone has to say the truth… (please share it).

Copyright © Marielena Montesino de Stuart. All rights reserved.

Arlington Cemetery, Veterans Day 2014, Freedom, Current Events, United States of America, News, Patriotism, Socialism, Sustainability, Sustainable Development, Marielena Montesino de Stuart.


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The Berlin Wall is gone, but communism is flourishing

Featured image: The Brandenburg Gate, Berlin

By Marielena Montesino de Stuart

As a survivor of Fidel Castro’s brutal communist regime, I cannot join Berliners while they raise their champagne glasses to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall, at the footsteps of the triumphant Brandenburg Gate.

You see, over one billion human beings did not get to drink the celebratory champagne this weekend, because they are still suffering under communist dictatorships in many parts of the world. As such, the governments of China, Cuba, Vietnam, Laos and North Korea continue to isolate, oppress, torture and execute their people. The most dangerous one to humanity is China, because of its political and economic power worldwide, as well as its dangerous expansionist agenda in the South China Sea and its chokehold on Hong Kong.

In fact, China is economically so powerful that it has become America’s banker. It should not come as a surprise that President Barack Obama is on his way to Beijing for an economic summit, to make sure that the Chinese communist leaders are appeased and happy with our Sino-American trade and political deals. President Obama is expected to promote the secretive Trans-Pacific Partnership.

And I have news for you. The Islamic extremist movement, in its various manifestations throughout the Middle East, as well as North and Sub-Saharan Africa, has Marxism sewn into its thawb. Just look at the supporters of these Islamic-extremists: China, Cuba, South American nations that are members of the Marxist-inspired São Paulo Forum, and almost every enemy of the United States.

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Indeed, the fall of the Berlin Wall brought together a Germany that had been divided by communism, but it appears more and more that letting go of the wall was a well-orchestrated move by the Marxists, which led much of humanity to believe that communism had ended. I’m not so sure, however, that the leaders of the free western nations pushing for the fall of the wall were so credulous in this respect. But letting the masses think that freedom was in the air was the political message that had been prepared for the West, regardless of its veracity.

The reality is that communism simply went underground and resurfaced as the United Nations massive international socialist initiative known as Agenda 21 (Sustainable Development).

Even though it has never been approved by the U.S. Congress, Sustainable Development is found at local, state and federal levels in the United States. The “sustainability” projects introduced in our communities through Sustainable Development have changed the landscape of our nation, by transforming everything from our health system and public education, to the way that we do business.

A key part of my campaign for the U.S. Senate (on the ballot 2012) involved exposing Sustainable Development, its nefarious depopulation agenda and its attack on the traditional family. During the last two years, Sustainable Development has advanced aggressively in the U.S. through Obamacare (Affordable Care Act). Today, Sustainable Development has reached just about every corner of the planet. Even the Vatican has jumped in the sustainability bandwagon. Earlier this year the Pontifical Academies of Sciences and Social Sciences held a joint sustainability workshop. In addition, Vatican officials are regular attendees at Sustainable Development summits.

Here is the tip of the iceberg of Sustainable Development:

At the heart of Sustainable Development is the concept that human beings are enemies of the environment; consequently, their consumption of food, transportation, private property, way of life, reproduction, education and culture must be controlled, in order to achieve “sustainability.”  Sadly, trusting and uninformed individuals in our communities have been taught that this agenda is important, in order to be a responsible “global citizen.” Unfortunately, most young people have grown up with “sustainability,” so they have been conditioned to accept it.  Others never learn how they are slowly giving up their rights.
Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to international socialism– through power, greed and control. This is why it is critical that citizens take the time to read and learn about this United Nations program, which has embedded itself in our government system. 
Two of the most active ambassadors of Sustainable Development are China and Cuba.

So, forgive me for not raising my champagne glass with Berliners, on a night such as this. But I do raise my eyes to heaven in prayer, so that humanity will wake up and have the strength to stop the erosion of our freedom.

Someone has to say the truth… (please share it).

Copyright © Marielena Montesino de Stuart. All rights reserved.


Important related reading:

Lubyanka 20, at the Crossroad of Agenda 21 by Marielena Montesino de Stuart

Planetary Health Policies and the Rockefeller Foundation by Marielena Montesino de Stuart

The Secretive Trans-Pacific Partnership: What are they hiding? by Marielena Montesino de Stuart



Agenda 21, Sustainable Development, Agenda for the 21st Century, Environmentalists, Communism, Obamacare, Fall of the Berlin Wall, The Brandenburg Gate, United Nations, Marielena Montesino de Stuart, China, Cuba, Truth, Information, News, International, Youth, Current Events.


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FRANCE: The war against lavender and ISIS

Featured image: Cistercian Abbey of Notre-Dame de Sénanque, in Provence– surrounded by lavender fields.

By Marielena Montesino de Stuart

The war against lavender

I love the French. I do. I love to speak their language– and enjoy their culture, music, food and fashion.

I love King Louis IX and St. Joan of Arc.  I love the traditional Catholic culture of France.

What I don’t like (along with millions of French citizens) is the current French government’s socialist proclivities– which include its tolerance of the EU’s REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals).  REACH appears to be overReaching by declaring a war on lavender in France.  You could call this another environmentalist “accomplishment.”

Yes. Lavender is under attack by the EU’s environmentalists and sustainable development [*]  “experts.” Yet lavender, this ancient flowering plant, has been used since ancient times, not just as a perfume– but for its medicinal and antiseptic properties.

Lavender oil is an essential item in my boudoir and throughout my home. Indeed, lavender has always been part of my life. I associate lavender with relaxed walks in the Orto Botanico di Padova (The Botanical Gardens of Padua)– the oldest university botanical garden in the world. I would end my walks with a visit to the nearby Basilica of St. Anthony, with its blue frescoed vault that seemed to bathe the basilica in a lavender glow. Lavender is a recurring theme in my life.

But REACH doesn’t seem to care about the beauty and healing properties of lavender. It has declared that lavender oil should be classified as a chemical toxin, right up there with hydrochloric acid and other toxic chemicals. As such, REACH is requiring that lavender products carry a bold black and red warning label– the type that you see on the back of chemical cleaners, such as “fatal if inhaled or ingested.”

The French Ministry of Ecology, Sustainable Development and Energy does not seem to mind this aggressive approach by the bureaucrats at the European Commission’s REACH– an approach which could put at risk thousands of jobs. See documentation (PDF) in French, from le Sénat (French Senate).

I wonder how long the stunning Provençal lavender fields will be around.

The war against ISIS

On a not-so-fragrant front, François Hollande, France’s very socialist and amorous president, has decided to launch an attack– not against lavender– but against ISIS, through an air campaign conducted with French Rafale fighter jets.  Four GBU-12 laser-guided bombs were dropped today near the town of Zumar, reportedly killing dozens of ISIS fighters.

President Hollande issued the following statement this morning:

“This morning, at 9.40am, our Rafale aircraft carried out a first attack against a logistics centre of the terrorist organisation Daesh [Isis] in the north-east of Iraq. The target was hit and entirely destroyed. Other operations will be carried out in the days to come.”

In 2013, The French were ready to join military action against Bashar al-Assad’s forces in Syria, until President Obama finally ended his backing-into-war shuffle. French authorities reportedly consider that Obama’s ambivalence is the reason the throat cutters have grown exponentially in Syria and Iraq.

While President Hollande continues to be France’s most unpopular president, particularly in the economic arena, he is scoring some marks by sending his armed forces into battle against al Qaeda in northern Mali– and the Central African Republic.

There is no question that, after a very depressing hearing this week in Washington DC regarding the war against ISIS, the French action over the skies of Iraq brings some hope to those suffering under the  barbaric ISIS nightmare.

Unfortunately, President Hollande has not had a good year.  The pressures of juggling his socialist government while fighting Islamic extremists in far away lands, is taking a toll on him.

In less than five months Hollande has had to dissolve his government twice– in order to appease both his Socialist colleagues and the parliamentary majority.  The French have grown more than impatient with the state of the French economy and the control coming from Brussels and Berlin– with the latter tightening the rope of austerity across the European continent.

It’s Friday evening. May I suggest that President Hollande place a bottle of lavender oil in each room of the Élysée Palace to help him relax. The lavender farmers in Provence would be grateful.

Someone has to say the truth… (please share it).

Copyright © Marielena Montesino de Stuart. All rights reserved.

[*] – Sustainable Development is the Agenda for the 21st Century / Agenda 21 (international socialism).


“THEY ARE MARTYRS OF OF THE PROLETARIAT: Oh oui, je me souviens de ces plaisirs”


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Environmentalists, European Commission, Grasse, Lavender, Lavande, Perfume, Parfum, Marielena Montesino de Stuart, REACH Registration Evaluation Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals, François Hollande, France, Sustainable Development, Agenda for the 21st Century, Agenda 21, News, Current Events, International, ISIS.


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The Secretive Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP): Another ploy that could harm the United States

By Marielena Montesino de Stuart


The U.S. as a permeable membrane 

The new Socialist Chilean President, Michelle Bachelet (whom President Obama has referred to as his “second favorite Michelle”) seems to have felt right at home in Obama’s White House, during today’s visit.

And guess what?

The TPP (Trans-Pacific Partnership) discussion came up.  Yes, the TPP– that monster that has been quietly growing like a virus in the bowels of various socialist governments, whose leaders love words that begin with “trans”– as a way of trans-nationally undermining the United States.

This TPP treaty is being viewed as a threat to our already weakened manufacturing base, our ability to oversee food safety, our oversight of copyright laws, etc.

The TPP could also interfere with our sovereignty, judicial proceedings and other national and security matters.  One can only expect that the TPP, once enacted, will further erode our ability to control our borders– allowing migratory movements, foreign worker programs and trade routes to further undermine our foreign policies. Furthermore, the thought of socialist nations transnationally interfering with our legislative decisions should make Americans tremble– since all signatory countries will be required to adjust their national laws, in order to comply with the provisions of the treaty.

The scope of the TPP is scary– to the point that it could make Obamacare look small.  Surprise, surprise. Very few members of Congress have read the contents of this treaty.


The secrecy surrounding the discussions of the TPP are also of deep concern– and appear to be part of the Obama administration’s ongoing agenda of withholding information from the American people.

Overall, the TPP is a globalist ploy– a part of Sustainable Development (the Agenda for the 21st Century) that the United Nations has been ramming down the throats of citizens worldwide, through socialist initiatives reached by “consensus.” The goal of the TPP is to establish a trading association among 11 countries on both sides of the Pacific (Australia, Brunei Darussalam, Canada, Chile, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore, and Vietnam) which would involve approximately 26 percent of international trade and approximately 40 percent of the world’s gross domestic product.

Final thoughts

As a survivor of communism, I like things to be clearly defined– and I do not want to see the United States turn into a permeable membrane that allows trans-national edicts to flow in and out.  This would transform the United States into a “region”– which is precisely what the international socialists wish to accomplish.

It does not appear that there will be an enthusiastic response for the TPP, following the mid-term elections in November. So far, Obama does not seem to be on firm grounds as far as reaching a negotiation with the House of Representatives, which is Republican-controlled.  I also do not hear much excitement from the Senate floor.

Negotiators from eleven Asia-Pacific countries will arrive in Ottawa to discuss the Trans-Pacific Partnership next week.  As with any treaty that harms U.S. national interests, TPP participants and supporters are keeping things rather quiet.

Someone has to say the truth…

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Trans-Pacific Partnership, TPP, International Socialism, Sustainable Development, Agenda 21, Marielena Montesino de Stuart.


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