NOT HOLDING ANYTHING BACK: The President of the Philippines addresses Barack Obama

The above headline from London’s The Guardian says it all. 

There’s something about the Philippines that fascinates the world. Filipinos are spirited and passionate– and quite open about their views. It must be this effervescent spirit that led them to elect their pistol-of-a-leader, Rodrigo Duterte, known for his colorful language and take-no-prisoners approach to crime and nonsense.

Duterte has surprised us multiple times with his daring repartee– but his comment today is not just shocking, but also a reflection of the effect that Obama has on certain leaders and countries when he travels abroad. Let’s face it, when Obama arrived in Kenya editorials were written which nearly ran him out of that country because Kenyans vehemently reject Obama’s lecturing them on homosexual “marriage”– an issue which is offensive to the overwhelming majority of Africans– except in socialist-run communist-run South Africa.

NOT EVEN the fact that Obama’s father was Kenyan was enough to endear him to the Kenyan people.

So, as Obama makes his last socialist rounds through Asia, here’s what President Rodrigo Duterte of the Philippines had to say– in anticipation of Obama’s criticism of Duterte’s’s handling of crime and other issues:

Quoted on CNN:

“Who does he think he is? I am no American puppet. I am the president of a sovereign country and I am not answerable to anyone except the Filipino people,” Duterte scoffed in a speech Monday. “Son of a b****, I will swear at you.”

I think that Obama should think twice about showing up in the Philippines. And based on the image captioned below, also presented by CNN, I do not think it’s a good idea for Obama to even attempt to mention homosexual “marriage” to Mr. Duterte.

Screen Shot 2016-09-05 at 1.33.37 PM

Someone has to say the truth…

Copyright © Marielena Montesino de Stuart. All rights reserved.


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Philippines president to Obama: ‘I’m no American puppet’ –

ALEPPO TRAGEDY: Innocent little victims of war in Syria are still waiting for Obama’s FAKE red line

This precious little boy named Omran Daqneesh survived– but thousands of children have perished waiting for Obama’s “red line” in Syria– which turned out to be a TOTAL lie. It will only get worse if Hillary Clinton is allowed to establish her corrupt socialist regime.

May God save little Omran Daqneesh and the children that are trapped in the war in Syria and in other war-torn regions of the Middle East.




Copyright © Marielena Montesino de Stuart. All rights reserved.


ALEPPO TRAGEDY: Innocent little victims of war in Syria are still waiting for Obama’s FAKE red line, Aleppo, Syria, Barack Obama, Obama, Red line, Hillary Clinton, Marielena Montesino de Stuart.

Examining Barack Obama’s speeches in light of similarities between Melania Trump and Michelle Obama’s speeches

Reading time: +/- 1 minute.
Listening time: 42 seconds

What do Barack Obama, Deval Patrick and John Edwards have in common? Their speeches!

By Marielena Montesino de Stuart

Melania Trump is being accused of committing plagiarism, due to similarities found in her Republican National Convention speech on July 18, 2016– and Michelle Obama’s Democratic National Convention speech on August 25, 2008.

Some of the words that the mainstream media have been pounding on as the basis of Mrs. Trump’s alleged plagiarism are “your word is your bond” (an old and overused cliché).

I have stated in a previous post that both speeches contain extremely common words and phrases– and that we do not know the details of the number of individuals involved in crafting Mrs. Trump’s speech– nor the identity of the speech writers.

The speculations surrounding Melania Trump’s speech have opened the flood gates to analyzing speeches given by Barack Obama– and their similarities to speeches delivered by other politicians. Lo and behold, I have come across the following fascinating videos:

Deval Patrick’s speech on June 3, 2006  and Barack Obama’s Speech on November 2, 2007:


John Edwards’s speech on September 16, 2003 and Barack Obama’s speech on February 10, 2007:



Someone has to say the truth…

Copyright © Marielena Montesino de Stuart. All rights reserved.


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Barack Obama, John Edwards, Deval Patrick, Similarities in Barack Obama’s speeches with speeches given by John Edwards and Deval Patrick.

BIOLOGICALLY SPEAKING: Nativism and Gender Rights

Why are biological preferences legally protected for some and not for others?

By Marielena Montesino de Stuart

All human beings are the result of a man’s sperm and a woman’s egg. This is a biological fact.

Native Americans (for the benefit of my foreign readers, this is the term adopted by the U.S. government to refer to American Indians) have a strong television campaign to assert their biological rights— by denouncing the placement of Native American children in foster and adoptive homes of non-Native individuals— even when the child is biologically a mix of other races and cultures. 

The Indian Child Welfare Act of 1978 states [yellow highlight added for emphasis]:

ICWA covers any child who is either a member of a federally recognized tribe/Alaska Native village or is eligible for membership in a federally recognized tribe/Alaska Native village and is the biological child of a member of a federally recognized tribe/Alaska Native village.

Based on the protection afforded by the U.S. government to Native Americans– why aren’t other Americans afforded the same protection of biological rights when they oppose the placement of a child in foster or adoptive homes of homosexual individuals?

This is not a statement against Native-Americans. This is a statement about biological rights for all– not just for some.

As such, Americans need to remain alert, because Barack Obama continues to impose gender-based chokeholds, which violate the most basic biological rights of the overwhelming majority of citizens– while granting biological rights to those the government chooses to protect.

This preferential treatment, which rewards some and punishes the majority— is what Communism looks like. Under this kind of system, those who are benefitting today are operating on borrowed time– because the inevitable consequences are restrictions and oppression for all– except for those in positions of power and control.

At the end, only the government elite will have His and Hers restrooms.

Someone has to say the truth…

Copyright © Marielena Montesino de Stuart. All rights reserved.

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Nativism, Gender, Biological Rights, Communism, Current Events, News, Noticias, Notizie, Nouvelles, Actualidades, Actualités

THE COMMUNIST CUBAN BEAT GOES ON: Fidel Castro tells Obama to shove it

By Marielena Montesino de Stuart

A kindergarten child could have figured out that Obama was going to get kicked around by Fidel Castro after leaving Communist Cuba. Yet, the starry-eyed socialists that make up the bulk of the federal government (and their fellow traveling commissars) thought that Obama’s visit was some new beginning for Cuba.

Wrong! It’s a new economic beginning for immoral opportunists who want to line their pockets by doing business with the Devil, like these guys:

Miami’s Cuban-American business elite spent spring break in Havana | Miami Herald

Here is Fidel Castro’s psychopathic diatribe for Barack Obama. He even autographed it as a souvenir, I guess:

Brother Obama › Cuba › Granma - Official voice of the PCC

With Communists in control of Cuba, the only possibility of a new beginning is to get the hell out of that island prison.

That is exactly what thousands of Cubans are doing– by fleeing through any means possible. Why? Because Obama’s new farcical one-way diplomacy with Cuba could mean the end of REAL freedom for them. You see, real freedom is not found in the Sustainable Development policies (socialism) that Obama espouses, which only serve to support their oppressors.

Obama has done everything to appease the millionaire Castro brothers in their 57-year long Communist dictatorship. Obama has wrongfully removed Cuba from the U.S. State Department list of “States Sponsors of Terrorism.” He has facilitated travel and economic exchange– and has even honored these thugs by paying them a visit. In return, the Communist Cuban beat goes on– with no change and no freedom in sight.

Donald J. Trump is right. You pick up a snake from the side of the road, take it home, care for it– and it will always bite you back. Because it’s a snake, you socialist fools!

There’s no such thing as a “deal” with Cuba.

Someone has to say the truth…

Copyright © Marielena Montesino de Stuart. All rights reserved.

You may contact Marielena HERE
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THE COMMUNIST CUBAN BEAT GOES ON: Fidel Castro tells Obama to shove it, News, Noticias, Notícias, Nouvelles, Actualidades, Actualités, Новости, 新聞, Current Events, Cuba, Communism, the Castro brothers, Barack Obama, commissars, Marielena Montesino de Stuart, Marielena Speaks. 

UPDATE ON CUBA: Brutal arrests continue on the streets of Havana

Cuba’s brutal Communist government is not interested in dialogue or subtle messages from Obama (by the way, neither am I)The bloody Castro brothers and their commissars are only interested in the dollars they need to continue lining their pockets (they are millionaires)– through their murderous 57-year long dictatorship.

Excerpt from “Cuban agents brutalize democracy protesters” 25 March, 2016, by Patrick Symmes, Yahoo Politics [yellow highlight added for emphasis]:

“This isn’t about a dialogue between Obama and the Cuban government,” said Rosá Maria Payá, another prominent activist who has pushed for a plebiscite on President Raúl Castro’s rule over the island. “We need a dialogue between the Cuban people and the regime.”

Payá added that, whatever slogans or pamphlets the protesters had offered, “When they say ‘Obama sí, Castro no,’ what they are really saying is ‘Democracy sí, Totalitarianism no.’”

An American tourist on San Rafael Street had a different, perhaps more partisan, take on the scene that had just unfolded. “If they are cheering Obama,” he suggested, “obviously they don’t know him.”

This is what the streets of Old Havana look like after Obama’s so-called “historic” visit this week: Cuban agents brutalize democracy protesters”.

Someone has to say the truth…

Copyright © Marielena Montesino de Stuart. All rights reserved.

You may contact Marielena HERE
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News, Noticias, Notícias, Nouvelles, Actualidades, Actualités, Новости, 新聞 (Taiwan), Current Events, Cuba, Communism, the Castro brothers, Barack Obama, commissars, Marielena Montesino de Stuart, Marielena Speaks. 

Obama’s Last Tango

After eight years, President Barack Obama has finally graced us with a fair performance: he danced the tango during his visit to Buenos Aires, Argentina.

But as they say in the news business, the “optics” of this moment in tango were definitely not good, since this dance took place the day after Islamic extremists had unleashed their terrorist attacks in Brussels. 

Obama’s visit to Argentina was preceded by  his controversial visit to Communist Cuba, where he also entertained himself at a baseball game in the company of the bloody Communist despot, Raúl Castro.

Someone has to say the truth…

Copyright © Marielena Montesino de Stuart. All rights reserved.

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Barack Obama, Tango, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Marielena Montesino de Stuart.


FOR THE RECORD: Barack Obama’s Speech before Communist Stone-Faced Vultures in Havana, Cuba– on March 22, 2016

By Marielena Montesino de Stuart

President Barack Obama spoke today in the presence of the hardliners in the Communist Party of Cuba, who sat like stone-faced vultures on the balcony of the Gran Teatro in Havana.  The Washington Post commented: “… the Americans clapped and the Cubans sat in stony silence.”

Ironically (and tragically) Obama’s speech took place while news unfolded of terrorists attacks in Brussels. This is where my readers need to stop and think– because socialists (this includes the mainstream media) want you to forget the following “minor detail:”

Cuba has been a state sponsor of terrorism for decades— and was listed as such by the U.S. State Department– along with Iran, Syria and Sudan. Obama removed Cuba from this list recently, as part of his one-way farcical diplomacy with the Communists in Havana.

Obama’s visit to Cuba has only served to further legitimize the murderous Communist dictatorship in Cuba– which continues to internationalize its hatred towards the United States, while it steps up the persecution and murder of its people.

It is extremely important for the world to note that while Obama was speaking, thousands are fleeing Cuba, by any means possible. On March 19, nine Cubans  died at sea and 18 were rescued by a Royal Caribbean cruise ship after their 30-foot boat was found about 130 miles from Florida’s southwest coast (off Marco Island), pursuant to a report issued by the U.S. Coast Guard. They had been at sea for 22 days.

Here is Barack Obama’s speech in audio format:

Someone has to say the truth…

Copyright © Marielena Montesino de Stuart. All rights reserved.

Please click HERE for important copyright terms and conditions, and instructions for quoting excerpts.

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Related reading:

The USCCB, Cuba and the Chong Chon Gang

FRANCIS: The Bishop of Rome and the Erosion of Solemnity. Socialism disguised as “Social Justice”

Why not Cuba?

… and more related reading below!


Cuba, Barack Obama, Diplomacy, Marielena Montesino de Stuart, Noticias, News, Notizie, Nouvelles, Actualidades, Actualités, Current Events, Communism, Socialism, FOR THE RECORD: Barack Obama’s Speech before Communist Stone-Faced Vultures in Havana, Cuba as a State Sponsor of Terrorism, Cuba on March 22, 2016.

Obama’s Visit to Cuba: 57 Years of Communist Terror Erased from History

Washington, Israel, the Vatican, and the world– does anybody care about Cuba?

Someone has to say the truth…

By Marielena Montesino de Stuart

Obama’s one-way diplomacy with Cuba and his visit to the island prison legitimizes Castro’s brutal Communist dictatorship and its hatred of America.

The following article, which I published two years ago, is as current today as the day I wrote it– except for the fact that the Communist dictatorship of Cuba has stepped up the persecution and murder of the Cuban people.

CUBA: 55  57 years of Communist Terror, Erased from History

By Marielena Montesino de Stuart

Someone has to say the truth…


Erased from history

It’s time to retrace your steps, so that you will remember the history that the socialists would like you to forget.

January 1 is a very dark day for those of us who are living in exile, having left Cuba, the Communist island prison.  It is also a dark day in modern history, as the international community continues to ignore 55 years of murder and oppression committed by Fidel Castro and his band of Communist criminals.

The longer you ignore injustice, the more it is erased from history.  As such, each generation that comes along is slowly removed from the moment in history when the atrocities were committed.  Yet, over 120 million lives have been lost at the hands of communist regimes in different parts of the world, not counting millions murdered through forced abortions, as part of socialist depopulation programs.

Most countries are celebrating the New Year, but those still trapped in Cuba are reminded that while dissidents are imprisoned and tortured, another Communist anniversary celebration has arrived, where Fidel Castro and his thugs can toast to the lasting power and  “international relevance” of their murderous “revolution.”

As the years pass and the world moves further into socialism, Communism in Cuba has been packaged and repackaged in so many misleading ways by “intellectuals” and self-proclaimed experts on Cuban political matters, that it is hard to understand how humanity can tolerate such monumental and nauseating deception—which begins very early in public education classrooms, all over the world.

Since January 1, 1959, Cuba’s Communist dictatorship has been an illegitimate government.  It has violated every treaty and human rights law ever written.  Because communism is based on deceit, each and every claim to progress in Cuba is based on lies. Absolute lies.  And now, the Communists in Havana have an ever-growing socialist international community to support them and applaud them.

Israel and Cuba:  The Yom Kippur War (aka, the 1973 Arab-Israeli War) and Operation Entebbe

Americans have always relied on Israel’s vote in the United Nations, in support of the embargo against Cuba’s Communist government, as a means of putting economic pressure on Castro.

OBAMA'S VISIT TO CUBA- Fifty Seven Years of Communist Terror Erased from History Copyright © Marielena Montesino de Stuart. All rights reserved.
Please remember all who have died, and will die, at the hands of Cuba’s Communist dictatorship.

But after more than half a century of Communist rule in Cuba, and so many concessions to Castro, the embargo has become merely symbolic, since the entire world trades or does business with Castro.

American taxpayers are not asking for much when they expect Israel’s vote on the floor of the United Nations in support of the U.S. embargo– considering that we give billions of dollars to Israel annually—and when you take into account the fact that Castro broke diplomatic relations with Israel in 1973, in support of the Palestinians, during the Fourth Non-Aligned Movement Summit (NAM) held in Algiers.

My conservative Jewish friends agree that historically and morally speaking, Israel should have been the one to break relations with Communist Cuba.

Was the government of Israel waiting to receive moral support from a Communist terrorist like Castro?

Aren’t the people of Cuba worthy of the same political and human rights that the Israeli government claims for its people?

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Reality check

During the Yom Kippur War (aka the 1973 Arab-Israeli War) Fidel Castro’s government sent 4,000 troops to prevent Israeli forces from entering Syrian territory— while Benjamin Netanyahu, the current Prime Minister of Israel, was leading a commando team deep in the Syrian territory.

On another front, during Operation Entebbe in July 1976, commandos of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) conducted a high-risk operation at Entebbe Airport in Uganda, in order to rescue over 100 Israeli citizens and Jewish passengers of various nationalities, who were being held hostage at Entebbe Airport, following the hijacking of an Air France plane, by a terrorist group who had received training in South Yemen, at camps supported and staffed with 1,500 Soviets, 700 Cubans and 116 East Germans.

Benjamin Netanyahu’s brother, Yonatan, died during Operation Entebbe, as the commander of the elite Israeli army commando unit Sayeret Matkal.

When the terrorists took control of the AirFrance plane, they announced that they were under the leadership of none other than the “Che Guevara Groupand Gaza Unit of the Popular Front of the Liberation of Palestine.” As my readers know by now, Che Guevara was one of Fidel Castro’s closest henchmen, responsible for the execution of thousands of innocent Cubans.  Che Guevara’s long trail of blood has earned him the reputation as one of the most vicious and ruthless Communists in history.

Yet, in September 2010, President Shimon Peres and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, as the top two government leaders of Israel, issued statements praising Fidel Castro’s recognition of Israel’s right to exist, including an emotional letter from Shimon Peres to Castro, where Peres goes into rapture about the Cuban Communist dictator.

Are the billions of dollars that American taxpayers send to Israel each yearnot enough affirmation for Prime Minister Netanyahu and President Shimon Peres?  Why is the opinion of Fidel Castro so important, to even warrant a personal letter from the President of Israel to a murderous Communist thug like Castro?


The remarks attributed to Castro demonstrate his deep understanding of the history of the Jewish people and the State of Israel.” – Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, September, 2010.

Cuba is an island, surrounded by water. Israel is a political island, surrounded by threats. You tried to sail to bigger seas, to show that a small geographical size doesn’t have to reflect human smallness, and we are trying to prove that small political size doesn’t have to reflect the size of our values. Therefore, we want to see our neighbors as friends, and the better things are for them, the better things will be for us.” 

“Your words presented a surprising bridge between a harsh reality and a new horizon,” Peres continued. “I thank you from the bottom of my heart. You proved that even those who are distant from each other can be close.” – President Shimon Peres, September 2010.

As I perused Shimon Peres’ letter to Fidel Castro, I was reminded of the socialist-agricultural spirit that defined the foundation of Israel.  One can see how Peres shares this socialist ethos with Castro, through the emotions expressed in his letter.

President Shimon Peres’ entire letter to Fidel Castro can be read HERE.

Those of us who have lived through Communism are never surprised by political expediency– but it is impossible to understand Benjamin Netanyahu’s statement praising Fidel Castro, in the shadows of his own brother’s death at Entebbe and Castro’s military staffing and support of training camps, for the terrorists that killed his brother. Given this scenario, why should anyone expect Benjamin Netanyahu to care about the Cuban people and their suffering under Fidel Castro’s murderous regime?

The story of Peres’ and Netanyahu’s praise of Fidel Castro was quickly dismissed by the American mainstream media.  The news of this scandal could have easily disappeared, were it not for a member of Congress, Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, who cried foul — prompting a predictable apology from Netanyahu. Such apologies of convenience, as we all know, do not mean much.

Here is what’s really going on…

While Israeli officials cast their symbolic vote in the United Nations in favor of the Cuban embargo, there is a long-standing, very lucrative and well-established citrus business connection between Israel and Cuba, which the government of Israel appears to ignore.

The following quote from Waknine & Berezovsky Co., Ltd., a company with an address in Israel, describes it best, in a paper presented at the IFEAT International Conference in Budapest, Hungary, 23 – 27 Sept. 2007.  IFEAT stands for The International Federation of Essential Oils and Aroma Trades:

Reut Berezovsky

Waknine & Berezovsky Co. Ltd., 36 Magal Street, 56528 Savyon, Israel

You may wonder why a woman from Israel is talking in Hungary about the citrus industry in Cuba. The answer is because our company has a long-term joint venture with two citrus factories in Cuba that represent 80% of the total citrus industry in Cuba.”

Even during Bill Clinton’s liberal administration, Washington still showed some indignation by invoking the Helms-Burton Act, when Israeli or other international companies would do business in Cuba– on property that had been expropriated from Americans (not to mention the property that was viciously confiscated from millions of hard-working Cuban citizens).

But the little indignation that was left in Washington, against Castro, has slowly disappeared as the U.S. government continues to submerge Americans in a sea of socialism.

Enrique Rottenberg

Enrique Rottenberg is another Israeli who joined the chorus of Castro supporters and materialistic opportunists who operate in the open, without any publicly known restrictions from the government of Israel.

Rottenberg’s business record with the Cuban Communist government, ranges from large-scale real estate projects, to nauseating and offensive photographic “art” projects in Cuba, of a sexual nature. When confronted about his business activities in Cuba through the secretive BM Group, in violation of The Cuban Liberty and Democratic Solidarity (Libertad) Act of 1996 (Helms-Burton Act), Rottenberg responded: ”We are working in accordance with the laws of Israel and Cuba.” 

There you have it.

Enrique Rottenberg could not have said it better—even though the government of Israel excuses itself by claiming that BM Group is not based in Israel.

The Helms–Burton Act was quickly condemned by our “friends”—such as the Council of Europe, the European Union, Britain, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Argentina –and other U.S. “allies” that enjoy active trade relations with Cuba. To make matters worse, the economic and geopolitical conditions that existed in the 1990’s, when the Helms-Burton Act came into being, are no longer there—as more enemies of the U.S., including China, establish strategic and economic alliances with our “friends.”

More than half a century of terrifying persecution, political imprisonment, torture, executions, hunger, human trafficking, forced depopulation practices (reflected in the highest abortion rates in the Western Hemisphere)—in addition to hundreds of thousands of Cubans who fled in rafts and are buried in the cemetery known as the Strait of Florida, does not seem to matter.

Why, you ask yourself, can’t the Cuban people get the same support that the people of South Africa received from the international community, in order to bring down Apartheid?

Are Cubans less worthy of freedom and human rights than South Africans?

In fact, as a cynical reminder of the world’s indifference to the Cuban tragedy, there are now flights from Key West to Havana. The opportunities appear now endless, for those who wish to celebrate and enjoy themselves in Cuba, while having their hedonistic fantasies fulfilled at Cuban government-run resorts and hotels, including engaging in prostitution with minors.

What about defense exports to the enemy?

If the government of Israel is not willing to put restrictions on Israeli companies and citizens that do business with Cuba– then what are we to expect from the current questionable state of the extremely lucrative and powerful Israeli defense export industry?– which has been put under scrutiny by the governments of the United States and Great Britain, for large-scale defense exports to Venezuela, and Pakistanas well as several other Muslim countries.  In addition, Israel also sells weapons to China, which is very disturbing to the United States.

UPDATE:Israel’s Defense Ministry refuses to cooperate, by refusing to release full list of countries that purchase weapons from Israel.

Israel is known for practicing arms-sales diplomacy in order to expand its sphere of influence. While this practice is not uncommon, unless the Defense Ministry of Israel has a tight grip on transactions, the arms will end up in the wrong hands through fraudulent end-user certificates and other secretive practices.

Venezuela is Castro’s closest ally in the Western Hemisphere– and has a strong military relationship with Cuba.  In 2005 Hugo Chavez threatened to send F-16’s to Cuba and China, in defiance of the U.S. blocking of Israel’s exports of F-16’s to Chavez.

The last thing the Cuban people need is more oppression from a stronger Cuban military force, which could benefit from fraudulent defense export maneuvers.

Excerpt from UPI report (July 19, 2013)

“Israeli defense exports, a major revenue generator, are under scrutiny after the state comptroller reported serious flaws in the supervision of exports, suggesting some could have been suspect.

The report, citing poor enforcement, follows the tightening in May of regulations on defense exports that could limit foreign sales, and an order this week by Tel Aviv District Court that the Defense Ministry disclose the identities of some of the nearly 7,000 arms dealers, a staggering number, it has authorized.

The report by State Comptroller Joseph Shapira, published Wednesday, said there is legislation that standardizes military exports in accordance with international norms, but the ministry’s Defense Export Controls Agency, known as DECA, was “failing to use the full extent” of its authority “to ensure proper enforcement.”

The report, as published, did not cite any specific instances in which export restrictions may have been violated. However, Israeli arms dealers, overwhelmingly former military men, certified by the Defense Ministry have been found to engage in some murky operations over the years, under which unsavory regimes, mainly in Africa and Latin America, as well as criminal organizations like cocaine cartels, received Israeli-made or Israeli-supplied weapons. [Bold added for emphasis].

A British government report in June said Israeli arms were exported to several Muslim countries — Pakistan, Egypt, Algeria, the United Arab Emirates and Morocco — in 2008-12.”

Security analyst Yossi Melman, who has written extensively on intelligence and defense issues, has observed that several Israelis who ended behind bars in other countries in recent years were all licensed by the Defense Ministry and “driven by pure greed.”

All were former members of the armed forces, some holding senior rank, he said, and all “were familiar faces in the corridors of the defense establishment.”

It remains to be seen how forthcoming the ministry will be.”

The Vatican: It’s called rapprochement

While this harrowing communist scenario has unfolded for 55 years, the Roman Catholic Church hierarchy, including every modernist Vatican II Cardinal elected to sit on the Throne of Peter—yes, every single one, from John XXIII to John Paul II  to Francis-– has chosen to dialogue with communists in every continent, instead of denouncing them head on.

It’s called rapprochement.

Let’s not forget that John Paul II, after vigorously negotiating the freedom of the Polish people from communism, proceeded to pat Fidel Castro on the back, praising his socialized health care and education.  John Paul II’s double standards are legendary—and his betrayal of the Cuban people has left deep scars in the hearts and minds of many who looked up to him for the work he had done in Poland.

The average faithful Catholic, unless he or she is actively following the events and publications of the Holy See, has missed the Ostpolitik agenda of the modernist Vatican during the last 50 years.

Excerpt from John Paul II’s address to the Cuban Ambassador to the Holy See, Raúl Roa Kouríon January 8, 2005:

“I am grateful for your kind words and for the greetings from Dr. Fidel Castro Ruz, President of the Council of State and the Government of the Republic. I express my best wishes to him for his good health and for the integral prosperity of the beloved Cuban Nation. For this Nation I ask God, through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin, venerated in your Country under the lovely title:”Nuestra Señora de la Caridad del Cobre”, to deepen the sentiments of mutual understanding and genuine brotherhood that will enable the Homeland to be the true home built by all. 

At the same time, I can tell you of the interest with which I follow the commitment of the Cuban Authorities to maintaining and developing the goals they have succeeded in achieving with effort in the areas of health care, education at various levels and culture in its different expressions. The Holy See considers that by assuring these conditions of human life one sets in place some of the pillars in building up peace, which means not merely the absence of war but also the possibility for all a society’s members to enjoy integral human advancement, good health and the harmonious development of mind and body.” 

Both John XXIII and John Paul II will soon be canonized, as part of the modernist Roman Catholic “saint factory”– without regard for the millions of victims of communism who these Popes betrayed.  This is one of the manifestations of the erosion of Catholic traditions under the disastrous rules of Vatican II.

Socialism looks great, from the comfort of a private jet

This rapprochement business has also lined the pockets of many professors, analysts, corporate opportunists and politicians who write books, give lectures, and influence public policies, while analyzing socialism, vis-à-visCuba, Africa, Asia– and now the entire Western Hemisphere. In other words, they fill their stomachs in the fanciest restaurants and live the good life, after examining and readjusting the socialist model under a microscope, in the comfort and safety of their university lecture halls, private jets and mansions.  Others, such as modernist Catholic monarchs, enjoy their vacations in Cuba so that they can “return to their roots.”

In my Christmas and New Year message I expressed my view, that in spite of the harsh reality that we face with society’s moral and economic decline, we still have a great opportunity to educate the next generation on the great values that have been lost.

The present socialist environment in the United States—and the materialistic atheism that drives so many to do business with Fidel Castro’s Communist murderous dictatorship, are perfect examples of why it is imperative that we educate the next generation on the Natural Law and our God-given right to life and freedom.

Cuba’s reality under the Communist dictatorship of Fidel Castro is being erased from history, before your very eyes.

The lines have been blurred, in order to transition humanity into a materialistic, atheist and socialist environment– for the good of the collective.

Trading and doing business with communist states, violating the sovereignty of nations, redefining marriage and asserting the “human rights” of homosexuals based on their sexual activities and preferences, are all part of this plan.

Asserting the human rights of those who suffer under communism, is not.

This has been long in the making– and is the mechanism used by international socialist operatives and their fellow travelers, through the United Nations initiative for world governance, called Sustainable Development (Agenda 21). Sustainable Development has been implemented all over the world– including Cuba. The last 55 years of subjugation of the Cuban people served as a socialist testing ground for Sustainable Development.

Washington, Israel, the Vatican– and the rest of the world, have bought into this agenda.  Their actions prove it. If this weren’t so, Cuba would have been freed from communism long ago.

Someone has to say the truth…

Copyright © Marielena Montesino de Stuart. All rights reserved.

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Related reading:

The USCCB, Cuba and the Chong Chon Gang

FRANCIS: The Bishop of Rome and the Erosion of Solemnity. Socialism disguised as “Social Justice”

Why not Cuba?

… and more related reading below!


Cuba, Barack Obama, Diplomacy, Marielena Montesino de Stuart, Noticias, News, Notizie, Nouvelles, Actualidades, Actualités, Current Events, Communism, Socialism.

Obama in Cuba on March 21, 2016

Has America lost all sense of history and perspective when it comes Cuba? Americans must not forget that the Communist government of Cuba has spent 57 years  internationalizing its effort to destroy America– while persecuting and murdering its people.

Marielena Montesino de Stuart, on Barack Obama’s visit to Cuba.

March 21, 2016