My Authentic Pro-life View of the August 6, 2015 GOP Debate

By Marielena Montesino de Stuart



It’s amazing how things can radically change in just three years.

You see, three years ago, when I was on the ballot in Florida as a Republican Candidate for the United States Senate I was considered too “radical” by the Republican establishment for my authentic pro-life view– which means I make no exceptions for the life of the mother, rape or incest. I supported my position with solid and irrefutable scientific and moral evidence– but the overwhelming majority of Republican voters would not listen– because when it comes to the defense of the unborn they believe that they have the right to choose who gets to live and who gets to die.

This exceptions position, dear readers, is what has led to the erosion of what it means to be authentically prolife.

This exceptions position, dear readers, is what has led to the death camps at Planned Parenthood.

The exceptions position is what the Nazis (remember the Nazis were Socialists) carried out in their death camps– and it is what Communists continue to practice in countries like Cuba, China, Vietnam, Laos, North Korea– and everywhere the United Nations (a socialist entity) has a presence– which unfortunately is everywhere in the world.

But last night I saw a miracle happen! Candidates like Marco Rubio, who was known to espouse exceptions on abortion– backed away from that position when Fox news anchor Megyn Kelly confronted him with the question.

I was also pleasantly surprised to hear Scott Walker defend his “no exceptions” position on abortion.  I would like to know how long Scott Walker has held this view– because I would not have felt so alone with my “no exceptions” position during my candidacy for the U.S. Senate in 2012! I don’t remember Scott Walker openly discussing his “no exceptions” position during his gubernatorial run in 2012. 

Now, if only Scott Walker could be as principled when it comes to Communist China– given his record for rolling out the red carpet for Chinese investors on U.S. soil– together with George W. Bush, Rick Scott and Rick Perry. There are others in the Republican Party who also kiss up to the Communists in Beijing.  And let’s not forget that China is a blood bath of abortion and human organ trafficking.

I would also have liked to hear Dr. Ben Carson speak about the no exceptions on abortion issue– particularly because he is a medical doctor and neurosurgeon. Dr. Carson’s website does not clarify if he does or does not believe in these exceptions. Why was he not confronted with this issue last night, I ask.

The above scenario begs the following question:

Are candidates like Marco Rubio and Scott Walker now expressing a “no exceptions” position on abortion as a result of the undercover Planned Parenthood videos? Is this about political expediency?

Here is an example of my authentic and principled pro-life position– as presented during my campaign for the United States Senate in 2012, published as a Press Release titled, A TAKE-NO-PRISONERS APPROACH: A Lesson for the Florida Family Policy Council.

It’s time to lift the fog… someone has to say the truth.

Copyright © Marielena Montesino de Stuart. All rights reserved.

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Abortion, Planned Parenthood, GOP Debate, Scott Walker, Marco Rubio, Dr. Ben Carson, Republican Party, No Exceptions in Abortion, Marielena Montesino de Stuart, News, Notizie, Nouvelles, Aborto, Actualidades, Current Events

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