Catalonia and the Spanish Tortilla (Cataluña y la Tortilla de Patatas)

By Marielena Montesino de Stuart

SAY ÑO! 😆😂

Just like onions and potatoes are inseparable in my Spanish tortilla, so are Catalonia and the rest of Spain! 🇪🇸

Someone has to say the truth…

Copyright © Marielena Montesino de Stuart. All rights reserved.

Puigdemont, ¿te esperan tus amigos comunistas en Cuba? (ha quienes tu exgobierno Catalán apoyó)… para que TUMBES CAÑA!


Puigdemont, are your  Communist friends in Cuba, whom your former government supported, waiting for you to cut sugar cane?

Read about Catalonia’s former autonomous government under Puigdemont and its love affair with Cuba.

Image: Order for search, capture and arrest of Carles Puigdemont.

Someone has to say the truth…

Copyright © Marielena Montesino de Stuart. All rights reserved.

“National and international” search for arrest of fugitive Catalan “leader” Puigdemont wanted in Spain. HINT, HINT Catalan ex gov’t LOVES Cuba!

News, Marielena Montesino de Stuart, Cuba, communism, International, Spain, Catalonia, Carles Puigdemont, Noticias, Current Events.

Don’t be afraid to use the word COMMUNIST!

By Marielena Montesino de Stuart

You have my permission to use the word COMMUNIST. 

You see, there are certain “intellectuals” and activists who will pounce on you for using the word COMMUNIST to describe the chaos (moral, social and economic) that has been created by globalist “big thinkers” of the socialist persuasion.

These self-professed big thinkers will tell you that “communism is dead”— and that your brain stopped working after the 1980’s for using the “C word.” In fact, if you’re reading this and you are a Millenial, you have definitely been mentally bombarded by the socialist elite with lies about communism being dead.

Communism, in fact, is alive and thriving worldwide— it’s just operating under different disguises, and that’s what makes it so dangerous. International Communists are using many different means of financing their agenda, including, but not limited to, taxpayer money maneuvered through NGOs (non-governmental organizations).

One current example is the Catalan “independence” movement, which is controlled by communist groups who claim they want a “free” and open society that is “feminist” and welcomes “all”— while they indoctrinate children in Catalonia with socialist activism— using guess what… taxpayer money!

Quote from Gustavo Alcalde, a delegate from the Spanish government:

El adoctrinamiento en la escuela en Cataluña es tan eficaz como la propaganda nazi.” Translation: The indoctrination in Catalan schools is as efficient as Nazi propaganda.

The truth is that Catalonia has enjoyed an extremely free, feminist and open society, which is why it led Europe with the most aggressive law in 1937 legalizing abortion during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy! Fortunately, this was outlawed by the Franco government. And please, don’t waste a minute writing to me to tell me that I’m a “franquista”— based on my statement of a historical fact, which saved millions of Spanish citizens from being murdered through abortion.

If you write to me to tell me that I’m a “franquista”– then you too are a COMMUNIST!

And yes, I know what I’m talking about. I’m a survivor of Communism in Cuba– and grew up in a family of proud Spaniards.

Today, Catalonia leads Spain with the greatest number of abortions (followed by Madrid and Andalucía). Even Catholic hospitals in Catalonia have performed abortions. Catalonia also leads Spain in homosexual “marriages” and Islamic centers, due to the “freedom” granted to them through socialist laws established after 1975, when Franco died.

The same indoctrination described above has been taking place in the United States for decades. And you wonder why you’re not allowed to use the word COMMUNIST.

Go ahead. Say it.


Someone has to say the truth…

Copyright © Marielena Montesino de Stuart. All rights reserved.


Dos hospitales vinculados a la Iglesia practican abortos en Cataluña – (in Spanish)

El adoctrinamiento en la escuela en Cataluña es tan eficaz como la propaganda nazi (in Spanish)

Cataluña tuvo durante la República la ley del aborto más progresista de Europa | Edición impresa | EL PAÍS (in Spanish)


By Marielena Montesino de Stuart

Puigdemont and his rogue team of separatists 

Carles Puigdemont, as the President of the Government of Catalonia (Catalan: Generalitat de Catalunya), an autonomous regional government, should be held legally accountable– along with his rogue team of separatist politicians– for endangering the lives of thousands of people who took to the streets to protest and vote on an illegal referendum for the “independence” of Catalonia. This illegal referendum ignored the anti-independence wishes of over half the population in that region– a perfect example of socialist “democracy” by “consensus”– which means that a minority decides what’s good for the majority of us!

But let’s go back to the protests…

These “independence” protests, which on the surface appear to be spontaneous– are far from it.

These socialist-style “peaceful” protests are always orchestrated to challenge authority, while taking advantage of liberal media coverage, knowing full well that the mainstream media always paints law enforcement in a bad light. This manipulation of people’s emotions may work well for the socialist and or naive viewer– but it is an insult to the intelligence of millions of people who cannot be fooled, and who respect the rule of law.

Fortunately, hundreds of thousands of Catalans against illegal “independence” took to the streets on Sunday to show enormous support for law enforcement officers sent by the federal government in Madrid, and marched proudly– as they wrapped themselves in the flag of Spain.

Puigdemont should also be held legally responsible for the thousands of jobs lost across Catalonia, as corporation after corporation left the region, in order to avoid the political and economic nightmare created by the separatists. Frankly, I don’t know if these corporations will ever or should come back, with Puigdemont and his ilk in charge!


Catalonia is a region in Spain which enjoys an autonomy never seen before in the Spanish territory. During the last 40 years Catalans have enjoyed incredible freedom and benefits under a Spanish constitution– which the people of Catalonia overwhelmingly approved. So, this business of “independence” is simply a socialist-separatist ploy to advance a “social justice” agenda, which has little to do with language and culture. And if you don’t know the danger of a “social justice” agenda– all you need to do is look at the poster child of “social justice”– Cuba!

Which leads me to the next point…

Don’t you find it interesting (and revolting) that while Puigdemont and his rogue team of social justice warriors claim “freedom, justice and independence” for Catalonia– they are HUGE supporters of the Communist brutal dictatorship in Cuba?

Puigdemont’s speech on October 10: “An exercise in cynicism”

Puigdemont’s speech today before the Catalan (Regional) Parliament was not just an embarrassment– it was a string of empty words and lies to the people of Catalonia and to the people of Spain– and to anybody else who wasted their time watching and listening to him, including this writer. In the words of Ignasi Guardans, a Catalan lawyer and former MEP, Puigdemont’s speech was an “exercise in cynicism.”

Puigdemont, who declared today that Catalonia is “independent” (but in a back-burner-sort-of-way)– also wants to “dialogue.” There’s only one problem: there’s no one to dialogue with– because no one is interested.

So, it’s time for the Spanish government to apply Article 155 of the Spanish Constitution, before the rogue “government” of Catalonia destroys the region, by continuing to put its citizens in harms way— along with their political and economic institutions.

Someone has to say the truth…

Copyright © Marielena Montesino de Stuart. All rights reserved.

RELATED READING: Catalonia and Communist Cuba


Cataluña, Catalonia, España, Spain, Carles Puigdemont.

Catalonia’s hypocritical autonomous government claims “freedom and democracy” while supporting Cuba’s bloody Communist dictatorship 

By Marielena Montesino de Stuart

Catalonia’s “progressive” autonomous government is destroying its economy as one of the richest regions in Spain through its hypocritical claim to “freedom and democracy” — as it continues to pursue independence from Spain.

Major corporations and financial institutions are fleeing the Catalan region, in order to avoid the political chaos created by the socialists behind the independence movement— a movement which has also sold the Catalan region’s Catholic and cultural soul by rolling out the red carpet politically to Islamic groups, in exchange for separatist votes.

I recall how Catalan separatists proudly waved their EU passports as soon as they became available, as a symbolic rejection of their Spanish nationality. But now, years later— not even their socialist brethren at the EU support their separatist cause. This is a perfect example of the chaotic nature of socialism.

Fortunately, the majority of Catalans DO NOT support this socialist separatist agenda, as the world has witnessed through  the massive anti-separatist demonstrations in Catalonia— and throughout Spain.

Not only is the above scenario a historical embarrassment in its lack of economic and cultural vision, but the Catalan autonomous government, while claiming “freedom and democracy”— shamelessly does business with Cuba’s bloody Communist military dictatorship, which has tortured and murdered the Cuban people for nearly 60 years!

Click on the following link to read about the hypocritical autonomous government of Catalonia and its passionate support of Cuba’s Communist dictatorship:

Catalonia’s Autonomous Government Does Business with the Devil: CATALONIA AND CUBA

Someone has to say the truth…

© Marielena Montesino de Stuart. All rights reserved.

The Presence and Power of Moslems in Spain

The video featured in this post was filmed in 2012. The Islamic presence and political influence has increased exponentially in Spain during the past five years, based on the rapid rise in Moslem migrants and their robust population growth. This should make a déjà vu topic of conversation around your dinner table tonight-- considering that Spain was under Moslem occupation for nearly 800 years, until they were expelled in 1492 by Isabela The Catholic, Queen of Spain.

By Marielena Montesino de Stuart

By the numbers…

The number of Moslems residing in Spain in 2016 exceeded 1.9 million (1,919,141), which is an increase of 31,235  from 2015, when it reached 1.8 million.  According to the Demographic Study of the Moslem Population prepared by The Union of Islamic Communities of Spain (UCIDE) and the Andalusí Observatory, followers of Islam represent 4% of the total Spanish population.

The report, which uses data from the General Administration of the State and UCIDE, indicates that 42% (804,017) of Moslems in Spain are nationals, compared to 58% (1.11 million), who are Islamic foreigners. These figures confirm the trend of previous years, showing an increase in the number of Moslems born in Spain, as well as Moslem nationalized citizens, compared to migrant Moslems.

Among the Spaniards, more than half (430,990) are children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren of Moslems, that is, already born in Spain, while 277,409 are nationalized Spanish citizens. 23,624 adhere to Islam. Among the Islamic foreigners, almost seven out of ten are Moroccans (753,425), followed by Pakistanis (78,071), Senegalese (62,489), Algerians (61,987) and Nigerians (41,486).

Moslems in Spain’s autonomous communities, regions, municipalities and cities

A quarter of the total Moslems residing in Spain are concentrated in Catalonia (515,482). This is followed by Andalusia, with 309,586 Moslems; Madrid, with 283,063 and Valencia, where 204,479 reside. It is interesting to note that Cantabria and Asturias are the autonomies where the less faithful Islamists reside, with less than 10,000 in each of these regions.

Barcelona, ​​Ceuta, Madrid and Melilla are the Spanish municipalities with the largest number of Moslem citizens. They are followed by El Ejido (Almería) and Murcia. In percentage of population, Ceuta and Melilla stand prominently with their Moslem populations:  Ceuta has 36,474 Moslem residents out of 84,519 total residents.  Melilla has 44,564 Moslem residents out of 86,026 total residents.

The year is 2017– and demographics are destiny.  But this time, there’s no Isabela The Catholic, Queen of Spain.

Someone has to say the truth…

Copyright © Marielena Montesino de Stuart. All rights reserved.


Hello readers from Spain!

Thanks for visiting!  Drop me a line through my contact form to share your views on the Islamic terrorism that is so deeply affecting Europe, as well as the geopolitical and economic situation under Prime Minister Rajoy’s government, in the framework presented below:

Given Catalonia’s ongoing separatist campaigns (greatly supported by socialist-separatists and even Islamists in that region) I am particularly interested in hearing  your opinion, and that of people in your neighborhood / community, on whether Madrid should invoke article 155 of the constitution and retaliate economically against Catalonia (including freezing the Liquidity Fund) in order to suspend Catalonia’s regional autonomy– should it continue to pursue separation from Spain.

By 2012, Barcelona, as the capital of Catalonia, was home to 11 mosques and 30 official Islamic centers and religious organizations, which were registered with the Justice Ministry of Spain and the Office of Religious Affairs of the Barcelona Town Council. The Islamic presence and political influence has continued to increase in Catalonia, particularly because separatists seek Islamic support of their separatist movement– in spite of the Islamic terrorist cells operating inside Spain, as covered in the New York Times article published today, titled “How a Secretive Branch of ISIS Built a Global Network of Killers”  (excerpt follows, bold added for emphasis):

Based on the accounts of operatives arrested so far, the Emni has become the crucial cog in the group’s terrorism machinery, and its trainees led the Paris attacks and built the suitcase bombs used in a Brussels airport terminal and subway station. Investigation records show that its foot soldiers have also been sent to Austria, Germany, Spain, Lebanon, Tunisia, Bangladesh, Indonesia and Malaysia.

Do you feel that Spain’s government is doing a good job at preventing terrorism– considering the lack of cooperation from socialist groups like the Catalonian separatists, who for the most part have embraced the Islamization of their region?

Also, do you support the abolishment of same-sex marriage? Do you and your circle of friends, colleagues and neighbors feel that same-sex marriage was rammed down the throats of Spaniards– who for the most part still reject it?

How engaged are the people in your neighborhood, community or church against abortion? Abortion is an ongoing scandal and a crisis in Spain, considering that Spain is one of the ten most Catholic countries in the world, having converted millions to Christianity, particularly after its discovery of the New World. The abortion crisis in Spain was again painfully portrayed with the recent arrest and sentencing of Dr. Carlos Morin, who runs a house of horrors in Barcelona, where he has performed countless late-term abortions. The question is, how many more like Dr. Morin are conducting this massacre throughout Spain? How has your community reacted to the news of Dr. Morin?

Spain’s reality under the EU has been an economic and moral disaster. Given the EU’s socialist penchant for “consensus” (a code word for ignoring the will of the people)– do you feel that most Spaniards would prefer to leave the EU and follow the British example?

You may add any other comments about Spain’s reality. Thank you.

Marielena Montesino de Stuart

Cathedral of Segovia, Spain
Cathedral of Segovia, Spain


REFERENCE: How a Secretive Branch of ISIS Built a Global Network of Killers – The New York Times

Thank You! United States, France, Czech Republic, Brazil, Spain, Ireland, United Kingdom and many more…

Reading time: +/- 30 seconds.

By Marielena Montesino de Stuart

At this dangerous time, when so many innocent people are dying at the hands of savage Islamic terrorists, I am extremely grateful for the readership, as well as the informative and enthusiastic comments that I receive from readers in the United States and around the world– who are deeply concerned about the socialism that has opened the doors to our current geopolitical catastrophe.

I want to thank the United States, France, the Czech Republic, Brazil, Spain, Ireland, United Kingdom… and so many more countries that visit my blogs!

May God bless and protect you and your loved ones.

Someone has to say the truth…

Copyright © Marielena Montesino de Stuart. All rights reserved.


You may contact Marielena HERE
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Thank You! United States, France, Czech Republic, Brazil, Spain, Ireland, United Kingdom and many more… for your readership.

Welcome! Readers from the United States, France, European Union, Spain, Austria, United Kingdom, Greece, Norway, Australia, UAE (United Arab Emirates), Canada, Australia… and so many more countries!

Reading time: +/- 30 seconds.

By Marielena Montesino de Stuart

At this dangerous time, when so many innocent people are dying at the hands of savage Islamic terrorists, I am extremely grateful for the readership, as well as the informative and enthusiastic comments that I receive from readers in the United States and around the world– who are deeply concerned about the socialism that has opened the doors to our current geopolitical catastrophe.

I want to thank the United States, France, European Union, Spain, Austria, United Kingdom, Greece, Norway, Australia, UAE (United Arab Emirates), Canada, Australia… and so many more countries that visit my blogs!

May God bless and protect you and your loved ones.

Someone has to say the truth…

Copyright © Marielena Montesino de Stuart. All rights reserved.

You may contact Marielena HERE
Please click HERE for important copyright terms and conditions, and instructions for quoting excerpts.

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