Catalonia and the Spanish Tortilla (Cataluña y la Tortilla de Patatas)

By Marielena Montesino de Stuart

SAY ÑO! 😆😂

Just like onions and potatoes are inseparable in my Spanish tortilla, so are Catalonia and the rest of Spain! 🇪🇸

Someone has to say the truth…

Copyright © Marielena Montesino de Stuart. All rights reserved.

THE EMPTY CHAIR: I’m praying for all who are missing tonight as victims of terrorism– which includes abortion

By Marielena Montesino de Stuart

There are millions of empty chairs tonight across the world. Millions of people are missing because they never came back home, as victims of terrorism. Terrorism includes millions of abortions worldwide, as babies are torn into pieces during the massacre of abortion procedures. Then, their little body parts are sold to the highest bidder. 
Indeed, there are many empty chairs tonight– all over the world.

Copyright © Marielena Montesino de Stuart. All rights reserved.

2017: Islamic Extremist Attacks during Ramadan (to date)

Thursday- June 8, 2017

By Marielena Montesino de Stuart

Ramadan began on Friday, May 26

Following the Islamic extremist terrorist attack in Manchester, England on May 22– more terrorist attacks have been carried out since the start of Ramadan on May 26, in the following locations around the globe:

London (UK), Paris (France), Tehran (Iran), Kabul (Afghanistan), Baghdad (Iraq), Mogadishu (Somalia), and Melbourne (Australia).

There have also been attacks in northeastern Nigeria, Kenya, Cameroon and the Philippines– the latter is being handled by President Duterte, with his world-famous efficiency.

The deadliest attack took place as a result of an explosion in a Kabul neighborhood, where most of the Western embassies are located. This attack, while not receiving the same mainstream media attention as those in Europe, took the lives of 150 people, and hundreds suffered serious injuries.

While the blood of innocent human beings–including children– keeps flowing, President Trump continues to battle the communist activist judges in the United States, who are blocking his efforts to keep us safe from Islamic extremists.

Someone has to say the truth…

Copyright © Marielena Montesino de Stuart. All rights reserved.

News, President Donald Trump, Nouvelles, Notizie, Noticias, International, terrorism, ISIS, Middle East, Internacional, ISLAMIC TERRORISM.

DONALD TRUMP IS GUEST OF HONOR IN MEXICO: Taking the diplomatic toro by the horns

Operating from a position of strength, Donald Trump does not need to “ask” President Peña Nieto to pay for the wall. Peña Nieto knows that he has no other choice.

By Marielena Montesino de Stuart

Donald Trump announced late yesterday that President Enriquez Peña Nieto of Mexico had invited him to a private meeting at the presidential palace in Mexico City. Trump graciously accepted and flew to one of the most dangerous countries in the world and to the world’s fourth most crowded city– and one with a notable rise in corruption as well as gang / drug related crimes, which have worsened under the unpopular presidency of Peña Nieto. This is a tragic reality for Mexico City, given its important cultural and historic presence.

Senator Jeff Sessions and former New York City Mayor, Rudy Giuliani, accompanied Trump during the meeting.

Donald Trump speaking as guest of President of Mexico, Enrique Peña NietoIn this brief commentary, I will concentrate on what Trump said in his speech at the Mexican presidential palace, since President Peña Nieto’s speech was, as expected, a delivery of presidential platitudes and pleasantries for the guest of honor, Donald Trump– and for the United States.

Trump was serene, firm and confident as he laid out five shared goals to improve and strengthen the relations between the United States and Mexico:

  1. Ending illegal immigration, as the humanitarian disaster that it is.
  2. Securing the border as our sovereign right– and the right to build a wall. Safety for all.
  3. Dismantling drug cartels, including intelligence sharing.
  4. Improving and updating NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement) to include a pay raise needed for workers in both countries.
  5. Keeping manufacturing wealth in our hemisphere.

Trump stated that a lot of the things he said during the meeting with Peña Nieto were “very strong”– but that “we have to be strong and say what is happening.”

Today’s invitation and visit to Mexico has legitimized Donald Trump as the only sensible candidate for president of the United States, not just for Mexican-Americans, or Mexicans who are U.S. citizens and are able to vote, but for the millions of people inside Mexico who benefit from a secondary powerful economy: U.S. dollars sent to Mexico as remittances every month by Mexican workers in the United States– a flow of money which is ending up more and more in the hands of corrupt government officials and drug cartels.

Drug cartels interfere with daily government tasks by intimidating and murdering government employees, in order to keep them from their cartel-controlled territory, even interrupting some of the most basic services needed in communities throughout Mexico.

But the aforementioned secondary economy, which has so greatly benefited Mexico, is an enormous drain on the U.S. economy; yet, it is enthusiastically encouraged by the Mexican government by offering incentives to use the money for improvement of towns, schools and other sectors of the Mexican economy.

Here’s an excerpt from a Wall Street Journal article published on February 14, 2016, titled “Remittances to Mexico Reach Seven-Year High.”

The U.S. is the leading source of remittances to Mexico, accounting for $23.7 billion last year, followed by Canada with $254 million. Within the U.S., the majority comes from California, followed by Texas, Illinois and New York.”

Much of the above quoted amount is from illegal employment in the U.S.

Mexico needs Trump

President Peña Nieto, as I said above, is suffering through a very unpopular presidency in a country that is being torn apart by corruption and drug cartels that he cannot seem to bring under control. As such, Peña Nieto knows full well that Hillary Clinton would be his worst nightmare, as more chaotic illegal migratory movements would be encouraged under her socialist administration. This would worsen the already corrupt environment inside Mexico, and would give even more power to human traffickers and criminal drug cartels.

Trump’s visit to Mexico was a brilliant move.

Mexico needs Trump.

Someone has to say the truth…

Copyright © Marielena Montesino de Stuart. All rights reserved.
Audio of the speeches delivered by President Enrique Peña Nieto and Donald J. Trump at the presidential palace in Mexico City:


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Mexico, Donald J. Trump, President Enrique Peña Nieto, Hillary Clinton, News, Notizie, Noticias, Nouvelles, Current Events, Immigration, NAFTA, trade, 2016 presidential election, Marielena Montesino de Stuart.


AMATRICE: A town in Italy disappears– but not its memory

By Marielena Montesino de Stuart

Amatrice, Lazio, Italia - Marielena Montesino de Stuart
Amatrice, Lazio, Italia.

Today, a devastating earthquake hit central Italy just after 3:30 AM. Central Italy is a region that I know quite well.

My love affair with Italy, as I like to call it, has taken me to many parts of this extraordinary country. Italy has always been for me one enormous museum– where even common rocks have been witnesses to extraordinary moments in history.

The most painful part of the tragedy that has taken place in central Italy is the loss of so many lives. I hear of an entire family, several generations, who all perished while celebrating at a special gathering in the town of Amatrice (see featured map), which has been completely destroyed, as per testimonies from local officials and survivors.

Having walked the streets of these towns, it is difficult to understand how the  voices of their inhabitants could have been silenced so suddenly. The good people living in these small towns in Italy are the keepers of ancient traditions and dialects, so when a tragedy of this magnitude occurs, the loss of the lives of those who preserved the culture, architecture, art and language by remaining in these towns– cannot be measured. I am praying for those who perished as well as the survivors, emergency personnel, volunteers and benefactors.

My heart aches when I hear of natural disasters across the world– but it is only human to be afflicted more by the pain of a place known, which is no more.

Someone has to say the truth…

Copyright © Marielena Montesino de Stuart. All rights reserved.


Italian earthquake death toll rises to 120 with 100 still trapped under the rubble as rescuers searching for their loved ones can only hear the sound of CATS | Daily Mail Online


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Amatrice, Lazio, Italia, Italy, Earthquake, Terremoto, Notizie, News, Marielena Montesino de Stuart.

We are at war

Reading time: +/- 30 precious seconds

A message to my readers in the United States and around the world 

I am known for not taking any prisoners, both as a writer and as a federal candidate. But WE ARE AT WAR– and a passive-aggressive no-vote approach during war time is a very dangerous thing.

Socialists are destroying entire nations, so we are left playing a dangerous chess game against the Devil, strategizing at every turn. We must beg for God’s grace and wisdom as we move the pieces across the board.

We are at war. As such, I will be voting for Donald J. Trump.

Marielena Montesino de Stuart

Someone has to say the truth…

Copyright © Marielena Montesino de Stuart. All rights reserved.

RELATED READING: “We Need a President with Cojones


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BIOLOGICALLY SPEAKING: Nativism and Gender Rights

Why are biological preferences legally protected for some and not for others?

By Marielena Montesino de Stuart

All human beings are the result of a man’s sperm and a woman’s egg. This is a biological fact.

Native Americans (for the benefit of my foreign readers, this is the term adopted by the U.S. government to refer to American Indians) have a strong television campaign to assert their biological rights— by denouncing the placement of Native American children in foster and adoptive homes of non-Native individuals— even when the child is biologically a mix of other races and cultures. 

The Indian Child Welfare Act of 1978 states [yellow highlight added for emphasis]:

ICWA covers any child who is either a member of a federally recognized tribe/Alaska Native village or is eligible for membership in a federally recognized tribe/Alaska Native village and is the biological child of a member of a federally recognized tribe/Alaska Native village.

Based on the protection afforded by the U.S. government to Native Americans– why aren’t other Americans afforded the same protection of biological rights when they oppose the placement of a child in foster or adoptive homes of homosexual individuals?

This is not a statement against Native-Americans. This is a statement about biological rights for all– not just for some.

As such, Americans need to remain alert, because Barack Obama continues to impose gender-based chokeholds, which violate the most basic biological rights of the overwhelming majority of citizens– while granting biological rights to those the government chooses to protect.

This preferential treatment, which rewards some and punishes the majority— is what Communism looks like. Under this kind of system, those who are benefitting today are operating on borrowed time– because the inevitable consequences are restrictions and oppression for all– except for those in positions of power and control.

At the end, only the government elite will have His and Hers restrooms.

Someone has to say the truth…

Copyright © Marielena Montesino de Stuart. All rights reserved.

You may contact Marielena HERE
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Nativism, Gender, Biological Rights, Communism, Current Events, News, Noticias, Notizie, Nouvelles, Actualidades, Actualités

UTAH ONLINE VOTERS… LOOK OUT! George Soros and Friends are All Over the Republican Race for the White House

By Marielena Montesino de Stuart

Did you know that Smartmatic–the company (with headquarters in London) which will be running the online voting process in Utah today— is under the chairmanship of Lord Mark Malloch-Brown, a colleague of George Soros?

That’s right, folks!

His Lordship’s dealings with George Soros include being Co-Chair of the Board of Trustees of the CrisisGroup, of which George Soros is founder and member of the Board of Directors.

Evil Money 

George Soros is Hell’s CFO. He funds just about every communist, anarchist and twisted cause and organization on the face of this planet. It must be noted that  George Soros is also a top donor of John Kasich’s 2016 presidential campaign.

George Soros’s colleagues are all over the 2016 Republican race for the White House.  For example, Soros’s ex-fund manager, Stanley Drunkenmiller, supported Jeb Bush’s campaign through Right to Rise Super PAC.

Another colleague of Soros, Scott Bessent, who was Soros’ chief investment officer until December, is supporting Kasich’s campaign through New Day for America, the pro-Kasich super-PAC.

God help us all.

Utah… beware of online voting today– it’s in the hands of his Lordship, one of George Soros’s many friends in Republican circles.

The only candidate who is financing his own campaign– and owes nothing to lobbyists or special interest is Donald J. Trump.

Someone has to say the truth…

Copyright © Marielena Montesino de Stuart. All rights reserved.

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George Soros, Utah Online Voting, 2016 Republican Race for the White House, John Kasich, Jeb Bush, Marielena Montesino de Sturt, Marielena Speaks, Marielena Stuart, News, Notizie, Nouvelles, Noticias, Actualidades, Actualités, Current Events, Lord Mark Malloch-Brown, Stanley Drunkenmiller, Scott Bessent.



FOR THE RECORD: Barack Obama’s Speech before Communist Stone-Faced Vultures in Havana, Cuba– on March 22, 2016

By Marielena Montesino de Stuart

President Barack Obama spoke today in the presence of the hardliners in the Communist Party of Cuba, who sat like stone-faced vultures on the balcony of the Gran Teatro in Havana.  The Washington Post commented: “… the Americans clapped and the Cubans sat in stony silence.”

Ironically (and tragically) Obama’s speech took place while news unfolded of terrorists attacks in Brussels. This is where my readers need to stop and think– because socialists (this includes the mainstream media) want you to forget the following “minor detail:”

Cuba has been a state sponsor of terrorism for decades— and was listed as such by the U.S. State Department– along with Iran, Syria and Sudan. Obama removed Cuba from this list recently, as part of his one-way farcical diplomacy with the Communists in Havana.

Obama’s visit to Cuba has only served to further legitimize the murderous Communist dictatorship in Cuba– which continues to internationalize its hatred towards the United States, while it steps up the persecution and murder of its people.

It is extremely important for the world to note that while Obama was speaking, thousands are fleeing Cuba, by any means possible. On March 19, nine Cubans  died at sea and 18 were rescued by a Royal Caribbean cruise ship after their 30-foot boat was found about 130 miles from Florida’s southwest coast (off Marco Island), pursuant to a report issued by the U.S. Coast Guard. They had been at sea for 22 days.

Here is Barack Obama’s speech in audio format:

Someone has to say the truth…

Copyright © Marielena Montesino de Stuart. All rights reserved.

Please click HERE for important copyright terms and conditions, and instructions for quoting excerpts.

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Related reading:

The USCCB, Cuba and the Chong Chon Gang

FRANCIS: The Bishop of Rome and the Erosion of Solemnity. Socialism disguised as “Social Justice”

Why not Cuba?

… and more related reading below!


Cuba, Barack Obama, Diplomacy, Marielena Montesino de Stuart, Noticias, News, Notizie, Nouvelles, Actualidades, Actualités, Current Events, Communism, Socialism, FOR THE RECORD: Barack Obama’s Speech before Communist Stone-Faced Vultures in Havana, Cuba as a State Sponsor of Terrorism, Cuba on March 22, 2016.

Donald Trump on Everything

By Marielena Montesino de Stuart

Donald Trump was interviewed tonight by Wolf Blitzer on CNN.

Trump spoke about a variety of topics, including NATO, Israel, the Middle East policy, Cuba (continues to be wrong on Cuba), show business– and just about everything.

NOTE: My criticism of Trump’s position on Cuba is absolutely NOT an endorsement of any other candidate!

Here is Donald Trump’s interview in audio format:

REFERENCE: YOUR POSITION ON CUBA IS WRONG: Letter to Donald J. Trump from Marielena Montesino de Stuart (No… this is absolutely NOT an endorsement of any other candidate!).

NATO, Israel, Cuba, everything… Marielena Montesino de Stuart, News, Noticias, Notizie, Nouvelles, Current Events, Actualidades, Actualités