A terrorism analyst speaks about the Islamic beheading of Father Jacques Hamel in France

Listening time: 4:52 minutes.

As you listen to this, think of Orlando, San Bernardino, the Oklahoma beheading in the name of Islam, Chattanooga, the Twin Towers in NY, and more… is this how you want to live?

Max Abrahams is a terrorism analyst. He spoke to France 24 on July 26, 2016 about the Islamic beheading of Father Jacques Hamel at the Église St.-Étienne in St.-Étienne-du-Rouvray, a working-class town in Normandy where Father Hamel had spent much of his life:

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Someone has to say the truth... © Marielena Montesino de Stuart

Marielena Montesino de Stuart Conservative Columnist and Speaker. Republican Candidate for the U.S. Senate (on the ballot 2012 - Florida). New Leadership and Courage for America.