2016 NEW YEAR’S MESSAGE: Little Alan Kurdi did not have to die

Who is responsible for his death?

By Marielena Montesino de Stuart

Source: 2016 NEW YEAR’S MESSAGE: Little Alan Kurdi did not have to die

What applies to Kim Jong-un applies to Fidel Castro– but not according to the United Nations

By Marielena Montesino de Stuart


Another farcical drama in the United Nations

The bureaucrats at the UN Palace of Nations in Geneva must be trying to find creative ways to justify their cushy positions. Their latest cause célèbre comes in the form of an investigative inquiry, which culminated in an advisory letter aimed at sending Kim Jong-un to the International Criminal Court (ICC).

But will they do the same against Fidel Castro?– based on his 55-year history of Communist oppression, starvation, torture, imprisonment, executions, human trafficking– and every type of human violation ever known to mankind.  I speak from a definitive position, based on experience. I was born and raised in Cuba under Castro’s brutal regime.

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