THE COMMUNIST CUBAN BEAT GOES ON: Fidel Castro tells Obama to shove it

By Marielena Montesino de Stuart

A kindergarten child could have figured out that Obama was going to get kicked around by Fidel Castro after leaving Communist Cuba. Yet, the starry-eyed socialists that make up the bulk of the federal government (and their fellow traveling commissars) thought that Obama’s visit was some new beginning for Cuba.

Wrong! It’s a new economic beginning for immoral opportunists who want to line their pockets by doing business with the Devil, like these guys:

Miami’s Cuban-American business elite spent spring break in Havana | Miami Herald

Here is Fidel Castro’s psychopathic diatribe for Barack Obama. He even autographed it as a souvenir, I guess:

Brother Obama › Cuba › Granma - Official voice of the PCC

With Communists in control of Cuba, the only possibility of a new beginning is to get the hell out of that island prison.

That is exactly what thousands of Cubans are doing– by fleeing through any means possible. Why? Because Obama’s new farcical one-way diplomacy with Cuba could mean the end of REAL freedom for them. You see, real freedom is not found in the Sustainable Development policies (socialism) that Obama espouses, which only serve to support their oppressors.

Obama has done everything to appease the millionaire Castro brothers in their 57-year long Communist dictatorship. Obama has wrongfully removed Cuba from the U.S. State Department list of “States Sponsors of Terrorism.” He has facilitated travel and economic exchange– and has even honored these thugs by paying them a visit. In return, the Communist Cuban beat goes on– with no change and no freedom in sight.

Donald J. Trump is right. You pick up a snake from the side of the road, take it home, care for it– and it will always bite you back. Because it’s a snake, you socialist fools!

There’s no such thing as a “deal” with Cuba.

Someone has to say the truth…

Copyright © Marielena Montesino de Stuart. All rights reserved.

You may contact Marielena HERE
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THE COMMUNIST CUBAN BEAT GOES ON: Fidel Castro tells Obama to shove it, News, Noticias, Notícias, Nouvelles, Actualidades, Actualités, Новости, 新聞, Current Events, Cuba, Communism, the Castro brothers, Barack Obama, commissars, Marielena Montesino de Stuart, Marielena Speaks. 

UPDATE ON CUBA: Brutal arrests continue on the streets of Havana

Cuba’s brutal Communist government is not interested in dialogue or subtle messages from Obama (by the way, neither am I)The bloody Castro brothers and their commissars are only interested in the dollars they need to continue lining their pockets (they are millionaires)– through their murderous 57-year long dictatorship.

Excerpt from “Cuban agents brutalize democracy protesters” 25 March, 2016, by Patrick Symmes, Yahoo Politics [yellow highlight added for emphasis]:

“This isn’t about a dialogue between Obama and the Cuban government,” said Rosá Maria Payá, another prominent activist who has pushed for a plebiscite on President Raúl Castro’s rule over the island. “We need a dialogue between the Cuban people and the regime.”

Payá added that, whatever slogans or pamphlets the protesters had offered, “When they say ‘Obama sí, Castro no,’ what they are really saying is ‘Democracy sí, Totalitarianism no.’”

An American tourist on San Rafael Street had a different, perhaps more partisan, take on the scene that had just unfolded. “If they are cheering Obama,” he suggested, “obviously they don’t know him.”

This is what the streets of Old Havana look like after Obama’s so-called “historic” visit this week: Cuban agents brutalize democracy protesters”.

Someone has to say the truth…

Copyright © Marielena Montesino de Stuart. All rights reserved.

You may contact Marielena HERE
Please click HERE for important copyright terms and conditions, and instructions for quoting excerpts.

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News, Noticias, Notícias, Nouvelles, Actualidades, Actualités, Новости, 新聞 (Taiwan), Current Events, Cuba, Communism, the Castro brothers, Barack Obama, commissars, Marielena Montesino de Stuart, Marielena Speaks. 

FOR THE RECORD: Barack Obama’s Speech before Communist Stone-Faced Vultures in Havana, Cuba– on March 22, 2016

By Marielena Montesino de Stuart

President Barack Obama spoke today in the presence of the hardliners in the Communist Party of Cuba, who sat like stone-faced vultures on the balcony of the Gran Teatro in Havana.  The Washington Post commented: “… the Americans clapped and the Cubans sat in stony silence.”

Ironically (and tragically) Obama’s speech took place while news unfolded of terrorists attacks in Brussels. This is where my readers need to stop and think– because socialists (this includes the mainstream media) want you to forget the following “minor detail:”

Cuba has been a state sponsor of terrorism for decades— and was listed as such by the U.S. State Department– along with Iran, Syria and Sudan. Obama removed Cuba from this list recently, as part of his one-way farcical diplomacy with the Communists in Havana.

Obama’s visit to Cuba has only served to further legitimize the murderous Communist dictatorship in Cuba– which continues to internationalize its hatred towards the United States, while it steps up the persecution and murder of its people.

It is extremely important for the world to note that while Obama was speaking, thousands are fleeing Cuba, by any means possible. On March 19, nine Cubans  died at sea and 18 were rescued by a Royal Caribbean cruise ship after their 30-foot boat was found about 130 miles from Florida’s southwest coast (off Marco Island), pursuant to a report issued by the U.S. Coast Guard. They had been at sea for 22 days.

Here is Barack Obama’s speech in audio format:

Someone has to say the truth…

Copyright © Marielena Montesino de Stuart. All rights reserved.

Please click HERE for important copyright terms and conditions, and instructions for quoting excerpts.

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Related reading:

The USCCB, Cuba and the Chong Chon Gang

FRANCIS: The Bishop of Rome and the Erosion of Solemnity. Socialism disguised as “Social Justice”

Why not Cuba?

… and more related reading below!


Cuba, Barack Obama, Diplomacy, Marielena Montesino de Stuart, Noticias, News, Notizie, Nouvelles, Actualidades, Actualités, Current Events, Communism, Socialism, FOR THE RECORD: Barack Obama’s Speech before Communist Stone-Faced Vultures in Havana, Cuba as a State Sponsor of Terrorism, Cuba on March 22, 2016.