EVIL: New York Times ignores story of Mayor De Blasio’s employee arraigned in criminal court for child pornography involving babies as young as 6 months old

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By Marielena Montesino de Stuart

This pervert is out on $7,500 bail– and the New York Times is not printing a word about it.

While President Trump is trying to clean out the socialist filth that is suffocating towns and cities across America, the mainstream media continues to jump at any excuse to print false allegations against Trump and others in his administration– a communist mob lynching without evidence or trial.

Yet, there are legitimate stories involving scandals and monstrous activities on the part of Democrats, which are being ignored by the corrupt socialist members of the mainstream media, such as the New York Times.

Case in point:

It’s been three days since news broke about the Manhattan Criminal Court arraignment of Jacob Schwartz, 29, who works for New York Mayor Bill De Blasio. Schwartz was arraigned for possession of child pornography in his computer– involving babies as young as six months old.

Excerpt from the New York Post [bold added for emphasis]:

A leading young Democrat and de Blasio [sic] administration employee has a secret taste for sickening kiddie porn that involves baby girls as young as 6 months old, court papers revealed Friday.

Jacob Schwartz, 29, was busted for allegedly keeping more than 3,000 disgusting images and 89 videos on a laptop after downloading the filth from the internet.

The illegal smut shows “young nude females between the approximate ages of 6 months and 16, engaging in sexual conduct… on an adult male,” court papers say.

Schwartz’s father — labor lawyer and Democratic insider Arthur Schwartz — called his son’s case “a personal tragedy.”

“I understand these are serious charges,” said the elder Schwartz, who watched his son get arraigned in Manhattan Criminal Court on Thursday night.

He’s already in therapy for this.'”

Taxpayers in New York need to sit up and take note that they have been paying the salary of a pervert who is into downloading child pornography online, so that he could continue to sit in front of a computer. Schwartz is employed as a $66,360-a-year computer programmer analyst in the city Department of Design and Construction.

The question is, why didn’t Schwartz’s father, a powerful lawyer and Democrat activist, warn De Blasio’s office of his son’s perversion online?

What about the therapist treating Jacob Schwartz’s child pornography perversion? Why didn’t he or she warn Mayor De Blasio’s office, considering that Schwartz’s work for the City of New York involved computers.

Did Mayor De Blasio know about Jacob Schwartz’s online perversion?

Where is the indignation from members of the New York City community?

Where is the outrage against the New York Times, that city’s famous newspaper, for completely ignoring this story?

This evil pornographic activity involving babies and young children has a symbiotic relationship with pederasty and paedophilia– which are heinous crimes that devastate the lives of children and families around the world.

This is a dangerous war against children that needs to be fought with determination and courage, by electing judges who will issue severe sentences to keep these perverts from remaining in our places of work– or anywhere near children– and by sanctioning therapists who do not report these cases to public employers, or any place where there are children.

Don’t expect the editors at the New York Times to say a word. They’re too busy making up lies about President Trump.

Someone has to say the truth…

Copyright © Marielena Montesino de Stuart. All rights reserved.

REFERENCE: De Blasio employee arrested for child pornography | New York Post

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Someone has to say the truth... © Marielena Montesino de Stuart

Marielena Montesino de Stuart Conservative Columnist and Speaker. Republican Candidate for the U.S. Senate (on the ballot 2012 - Florida). New Leadership and Courage for America.