TRUMP OF ARABIA: Beware of Arabs Brandishing Swords!

By Marielena Montesino de Stuart

Breaking all the security rules…

I can imagine what the U.S. Secret Service agents were going through when President Trump and the First Lady walked into this dance party comprised of Arabs brandishing swords!

It’s actually not funny when you consider that nearby is Deera Square– a public space in Riyadh where public executions, mostly beheadings, take place. It is also known as Justice Square or “Chop Chop Square.”

Someone has to say the truth…

Copyright © Marielena Montesino de Stuart. All rights reserved.


All Hands on Deck!

Featured image: Christ in the Storm on the Sea of Galilee by Rembrandt

By Marielena Montesino de Stuart

All hands will be needed on deck as we sail through this historic storm on November 8. We must rise to this moment in time with courage and be immersed in prayer, as we try to save our nation from socialist corruption and oppression.

Consider helping registered voters who are elderly and may need transportation, in order that they may cast their vote at their assigned precincts. The same goes for those who are ill, but are willing and able to leave their premises with proper assistance.

Tomorrow is the deciding moment, when we will either sail through this storm and survive, or drown in a sea of socialism.

Our humanity is revealed through our fears. In the case of our country, our fear is based on the clear and present danger that we may never recover the freedom and sovereignty originally established in this great nation.

Christ promised us that he would never abandon us in the midst of a storm. With faith and determination, we will overcome.

Vote Donald J. Trump for President of the United States

Someone has to say the truth…

Copyright © Marielena Montesino de Stuart. All rights reserved.

November 8, 2016 presidential election, Christ in the Storm on the Sea of Galilee, Donald J. Trump, Marielena Montesino de Stuart.


A second look at Steve Pieczenik’s silent coup and counter-coup announcement raises serious questions

Is Steve Pieczenik a backroom organizer of a “second strategic echelon” of agents who have been prepped by the Left to emerge on the Right?

By Marielena Montesino de Stuart


For those of you who are loyal readers of this blog, you know full well about my support of Donald J. Trump throughout the primary and the general election. In fact, it has been my persistent support of Mr. Trump which has led some readers to part ways with me.  The record of my writing regarding Donald J. Trump’s victorious campaign, including a letter to him regarding his earlier wrong position on Cuba, as well as his positive evolving position against abortion, are all contained in the pages of this blog. 

As a survivor of communism, I have committed my entire life to the dissemination of truth. As such, I am compelled to publish the following observations after taking a second look at Steve Pieczenik’s video containing his November 1 public announcement of a silent coup and counter-coup, as well as some of his other published statements.

In my opinion, Steve Pieczenik at best may be muddying the waters among Donald Trump’s supporters– and at worst, he could cause more harm than good, regardless of his good intentions, at a time when Americans are vulnerable, as they face an election that could change the course of American history. Read on for more details.


On November 1st I received a video from my friend and colleague, Jeff R. Nyquist, an expert and author in the field of geopolitical analysis and international politics. The video contained a public announcement regarding a silent civilian coup and a counter-coup conducted through the internet.

Given the ongoing public leaks regarding the corruption inside various branches of the U.S. government, as well as the Clinton Foundation, Mr. Nyquist and I felt that the video was worthy of attention, particularly because the announcement contained in the video was being delivered by a former high-ranking State Department official, Steve Pieczenik, who has a remarkable professional and academic background.

Here is the text of Pieczenik’s public announcement on November 1, 2016:

On November 1, 2016, Hillary and Bill Clinton and their entourage of assistants effected a civilian coup. In contrast to the usual concept of a coup where the military is involved and takes over the White House and communications and centers, very much like the scenario that you see in a movie, this coup was done silently and very effectively through two methods: corruption and cooptation. The Clintons have been involved in coopting our White House, our Judiciary, our CIA, our Federal Bureau of Investigation, our Attorney General Loretta Lynch and our Director of the FBI, James Comey, for some time now. What they’ve done is to make sure that they were part and parcel of a group of people who are interrelated through political cronyism. However, in order to stop this coup, we, in the intelligence community and others involved have informally gotten together, and with their permission, I am beginning to announce that we have initiated a counter-coup through Julian Assange and Wikileaks.  What has happened in effect when, ah, Comey had to open up the case of Hillary Clinton and discuss the emails that were involved with the Anthony Weiner case. It was not the case itself that was as important as the fact that this was the entrée for many of us in the counter-coup to say to the administration:  we have your number, not only do we have your number, we are going to stop you from making Hillary the President of the United States, and at the same time, we will convict and indict the President of the United States, Loretta Lynch, and many others who are involved in the coverup of the massive corruption that occurred under the Clinton Foundation. Now on both cases, their coup was silent, and our counter-coup was silent, and it was all transgressed or occurred on the internet, and this is probably the first time in the history of any country where a coup was initiated on through the internet, and a counter-coup was initiated through the internet. I am just a small part of something far bigger than myself. It was the brave men and women who were in the FBI, the CIA, the Director of Intelligence, the military intelligence, and men and women in fifteen other intelligence organizations who were sick and tired of seeing this corruption in the White House, in the Justice Department, and in the intelligence system, and we decided that there was something we had to do in order to save the Republic.  So, we initiated a counter-coup through Julian Assange, who’s been very brave and really quite formidable, in his ability to come forth and provide all the necessary emails that we gave to him, in order to undermine Hillary and Bill Clinton. Again America, we’re going through a major, major transition, and quite frankly, a second American Revolution. We do not have guns, we do not have weapons, we do not intend to kill anybody, we do not intend to harm anybody. But we, the American public, and those of us who’ve served in veterans, and in the intelligence service, like myself, will stop the Clintons from assuming power that they don’t deserve. At the same time, we will make certain that Obama leaves without any trail of a pardon, or any other act of treason. In effect, we want a peaceful transition in this great American Republic. I bring you this news, and I want you to understand what has happened. A moment of history is occurring right now in front of us, and I’m proud to explain it to you.”

The trajectory of Pieczenik’s announcement

I have followed the trajectory of the aforementioned video announcement which has gone viral– particularly since it became a headline on Drudge. However, I have also taken a second look at Steve Pieczenik’s announcement vis-à-vis his professional and academic background, as well as some of his other public statements, which have led me to raise some serious questions.  By the time I spoke again to Jeff Nyquist on November 4– he too was raising serious questions regarding the content of Pieczenik’s coup and counter-coup video.

Intelligence gathering and transmission

The nature of intelligence gathering and transmission calls for complete confidentiality, as Pieczenik would know, considering his expertise in this field, notably as Deputy Assistant Secretary of State under Henry Kissinger, Cyrus Vance and James Baker– all three devout globalists. 

Pieczenik’s has an MD in psychiatry and a PhD in international relations. His expertise includes foreign policy, international crisis management and psychological warfare. It is his expertise in psychology and psychological warfare which particularly causes me to seriously question the content of his coup and counter-coup announcement.

Americans, as well as informed people across the world, are aware of the corruption being exposed through Wikileaks, the organization founded by Julian Assange. Anyone who reads the leaked documents understands full well that the individuals leaking the information are working, or are connected in some capacity, with government entities and NGO’s (“non-governmental” organizations) across the world. This is why Wikileaks states on social media, “we open governments.”

Wikileaks operates an effective and powerful civilian-run system of electronic espionage. That being said, the fact that Pieczenik makes the announcement that there are leakers (informants) inside our government is not newsworthy. What is intriguing is that Pieczenik claims, “we, in the intelligence community and others involved, have informally gotten together, and with their permission, I am beginning to announce that we have initiated a counter-coup through Julian Assange and Wikileaks.”

A public announcement about the intelligence community “informally getting together” and giving “permission” to Pieczenik to act as a spokesperson goes against the very nature of espionage. File that under Intelligence 101. In addition, there is nothing, absolutely nothing informal about intelligence gathering and transmission of intelligence.

Consequently, how can someone like Pieczenik with such extensive experience in intelligence and psychological warfare come up with such an announcement?

What exactly is Pieczenik’s objective– other than to present himself publicly as a leaker for Wikileaks, which cannot be corroborated?

This scenario does not help Wikileaks, since I have found that Pieczenik has a trail of opinions which range from controversial to absurd, such as calling the Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting a “performance” (where Adam Lanza fatally shot 20 young children and several school administrators). I cannot imagine that the intelligence community would interact with someone who makes such statements, regardless of his career in intelligence years ago.

The following is a quote from a commentary published by Steve Pieczenik’s on January 22, 2013 (“The Unbearable Lightness of Sandy Hook’s Mourning”):

Sandy Hook had a REHEARSED, EXCEEDINGLY HISTRIONIC,  SELF-CONSCIOUS element to the whole performance. 

 Lanza –never existed. You know it, I know it.”

For the love of God, the 2nd Amendment can stand strong without the “help” of conspiracy theories, like the one published by Steve Pieczenik.

But let’s get back to Pieczenik’s coup and counter-coup announcement.

On one hand, Pieczenik states that, “we will convict and indict the President of the United States, Loretta Lynch, and many others who are involved in the coverup of the massive corruption that occurred under the Clinton Foundation.” Then, Pieczenik  appears to contradict himself by stating, “we will make certain that Obama leaves without any trail of a pardon, or any other act of treason.”

During the last few days, both Jeff Nyquist and I independently reached similar conclusions:

Pieczenik presents himself as an enemy of the Clinton crime family.  Yet, as is typical of those who worked closely with Henry Kissinger, Pieczenik never uses the word Communist, or the word Russia, in spite of the fact that the Clintons have engaged in nefarious activities with the Russians.

Is Pieczenik trying to divert attention from Russia?

The following is an excerpt from an article published on April 23, 2015 by the New York Times titled, “Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal” [bold added for emphasis]:

Beyond mines in Kazakhstan that are among the most lucrative in the world, the sale gave the Russians control of one-fifth of all uranium production capacity in the United States. Since uranium is considered a strategic asset, with implications for national security, the deal had to be approved by a committee composed of representatives from a number of United States government agencies. Among the agencies that eventually signed off was the State Department, then headed by Mr. Clinton’s wife, Hillary Rodham Clinton.

As the Russians gradually assumed control of Uranium One in three separate transactions from 2009 to 2013, Canadian records show, a flow of cash made its way to the Clinton Foundation. Uranium One’s chairman used his family foundation to make four donations totaling $2.35 million. Those contributions were not publicly disclosed by the Clintons, despite an agreement Mrs. Clinton had struck with the Obama White House to publicly identify all donors. Other people with ties to the company made donations as well.”

Pieczenik talks about the Clintons and pedophilia

In a separate video, Pieczenik also brings up the subject of pedophilia and the Clintons. Nyquist, who is an expert on Russia, pointed out that the pedophile game is a KGB strategy adopted in the 1970’s– which the Russians have used to advance the careers of pedophiles in the West, because such people will commit treason without blinking, and they can be blackmailed and bribed. I concur with Nyquist on this, because this perverted technique is used in Cuba. In fact, Cuban government officials and espionage agents are experts at introducing and maintaining this practice. And may I add, the infiltration of pederasty and pedophilia in the Catholic Church erupted after the Second Vatican Council, where Russian Orthodox prelates, who were recalcitrant KGB agents, sat as glorified observers during the Council meetings.

Child trafficking, which is part of pederasty and pedophilia, is actively promoted by the Communists. Again, Cuba is a perfect example of a Communist country where child trafficking is prevalent and goes unpunished, since it is a guarantee of control, not just of government officials, but of an entire sexual tourism industry that benefits Cuba’s Communist government.

In spite of all the well-known information about Russia and the Communist child-trafficking networks and the Clintons connection to Russia, Pieczenik appears to torment the listener with a Clinton connection to child trafficking– but why didn’t Pieczenik, a veteran in the intelligence field, expose this before for the sake of protecting children?

This situation leads to some final observations and questions.

Common ground between the Left and the Right: Steve Pieczenik respects and admires Bernie Sanders

On November 4, Pieczenik published another video titled “US Takeover May be Near” where he says that he’s had  “a lot of respect” for Bernie Sanders. That he saw Sanders give a speech in Warner, New Hampshire and “really admired what he had done.”

Why would Pieczenik admire an intractable socialist Marxist like Bernie Sanders, who admires the Castro government?

I have alerted my readers about the Communist strategy of finding common ground between the Right and the Left. Indeed, during my campaign for the U.S. Senate (on the ballot 2012), as I traveled throughout the State of Florida, I met people who considered themselves conservatives, yet, they saw Vladimir Putin as a harbinger of a new Christian movement. One can excuse such individuals for their lack of understanding of how Communism works to muddy the waters.  But in the case of Steve Pieczenik, I concur with Nyquist in the following question:

Is Steve Pieczenik a backroom organizer of a “second strategic echelon” of agents who have been prepped by the Left to emerge on the Right?

Final words…

As I have written multiple times, our nation is descending violently into a socialist abyss. The Clinton corruption and the disastrous Obama administration are examples of this abyss and what lies ahead.

The best approach to counteract this corruption is to remain informed, to understand how Communism works, to understand what is happening and effect change in your government at a local, state and federal level, to protect the unborn from abortion, to defend the 2nd Amendment (the right to bear arms), to take control of your children’s education and to reject alternatives to traditional marriage of one man and one woman. Add prayer to this, and we will have a chance– with the Grace of God— of putting this country on the right path.

And vote for Donald J. Trump.

Someone has to say the truth…

Copyright © Marielena Montesino de Stuart. All rights reserved.


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Quote of the Day: “In a Trump Administration There Will be NO Bullshit!”

Donald J. Trump is speaking before a very large and enthusiastic crowd in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Suddenly, Bobby Knight, the former basketball coach from the University of Indiana came to the microphone to affirm Trump’s immense respect and support of the Armed Forces.  Then Knight added:

In a Trump Administration there will be NO bullshit.”

With socialism engulfing and destroying our nation, we need more Americans to stand up and speak out!

Save yourself. Save your children. Save this nation. Vote for Donald J. Trump.

Someone has to say the truth…

Copyright © Marielena Montesino de Stuart. All rights reserved.

Clinton Foundation Scandal: The Clintons for-profit activities exposed through Clinton aide memo

By Marielena Montesino de Stuart

The socialist corruption involving the Clinton family has tentacles that reach far across the world through their Clinton Foundation, which I have been tracking since 2009.

USA Today has an informative piece on a memo detailing how the Clintons have been lining their pockets and receiving perks through the Clinton Foundation. The memo was written in response to an audit carried out in 2011.

Excerpt from “Memo shows Bill Clinton’s wealth was tied to Clinton Foundation” – USA Today, 27 October 2016:

Independent of our fundraising and decision-making activities on behalf of the Foundation, we have dedicated ourselves to helping the President secure and engage in for-profit activities — including speeches, books, and advisory service engagements,” Band wrote. “In that context, we have in effect served as agents, lawyers, managers and implementers to secure speaking, business and advisory service deals. In support of the President’s for-profit activity, we also have solicited and obtained, as appropriate, in-kind services for the President and his family — for personal travel, hospitality, vacation and the like.

At one point, Band even referred to the former president’s money-making enterprises as “Bill Clinton, Inc.

This is the socialist corruption that I have been warning Americans about. It is a corruption hidden behind the facade of Sustainable Development and social justice.

During my campaign for the U.S. Senate (on the ballot 2012) in Florida, I warned Americans that they needed to recognize socialism in their local, state and federal programs– as it operates behind titles that sound good, such as “Smart,” “Consensus,” “Sustainable,”– all made to deceive the public into thinking that these taxpayer-funded programs are good for us– when in fact they are undermining our freedom, sovereignty and human rights under the natural law.

Save yourself. Save your children. Save the future of this nation. Vote for Donald J. Trump.

Someone has to say the truth…

Copyright © Marielena Montesino de Stuart. All rights reserved.


Mexico needs Trump

By Marielena Montesino de Stuart

The audacious Republican presidential candidate, Donald J. Trump, descended yesterday into one of the world’s most dangerous countries to deliver a message of hope for its beleaguered people, who are pouring illegally into the United States. Trump also delivered a message of strength and dignity for the United States of America, with law and order at the heart of it all. Mexico needs Trump.

History is unfolding right before your eyes, as Donald Trump goes up against the corrupt political forces that want to turn the United States into a socialist country filled with crime, racial hatred and unemployment.

Don't miss my commentary about Trump's visit to Mexico City as the guest of honor of President Enrique Peña Nieto.

Trump's immigration policy speech following his visit to Mexico City.


Someone has to say the truth…

Copyright © Marielena Montesino de Stuart. All rights reserved.


You may contact Marielena HERE
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FOR THE RECORD: Donald Trump’s Immigration Policy Speech on August 31, 2016

Donald Trump delivered a decisive immigration policy speech in Phoenix, Arizona, on August 31, 2016, following his visit to Mexico City as a guest of honor of President Enrique Peña Nieto:

Someone has to say the truth…

Copyright © Marielena Montesino de Stuart. All rights reserved.


You may contact Marielena HERE
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DONALD TRUMP IS GUEST OF HONOR IN MEXICO: Taking the diplomatic toro by the horns

Operating from a position of strength, Donald Trump does not need to “ask” President Peña Nieto to pay for the wall. Peña Nieto knows that he has no other choice.

By Marielena Montesino de Stuart

Donald Trump announced late yesterday that President Enriquez Peña Nieto of Mexico had invited him to a private meeting at the presidential palace in Mexico City. Trump graciously accepted and flew to one of the most dangerous countries in the world and to the world’s fourth most crowded city– and one with a notable rise in corruption as well as gang / drug related crimes, which have worsened under the unpopular presidency of Peña Nieto. This is a tragic reality for Mexico City, given its important cultural and historic presence.

Senator Jeff Sessions and former New York City Mayor, Rudy Giuliani, accompanied Trump during the meeting.

Donald Trump speaking as guest of President of Mexico, Enrique Peña NietoIn this brief commentary, I will concentrate on what Trump said in his speech at the Mexican presidential palace, since President Peña Nieto’s speech was, as expected, a delivery of presidential platitudes and pleasantries for the guest of honor, Donald Trump– and for the United States.

Trump was serene, firm and confident as he laid out five shared goals to improve and strengthen the relations between the United States and Mexico:

  1. Ending illegal immigration, as the humanitarian disaster that it is.
  2. Securing the border as our sovereign right– and the right to build a wall. Safety for all.
  3. Dismantling drug cartels, including intelligence sharing.
  4. Improving and updating NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement) to include a pay raise needed for workers in both countries.
  5. Keeping manufacturing wealth in our hemisphere.

Trump stated that a lot of the things he said during the meeting with Peña Nieto were “very strong”– but that “we have to be strong and say what is happening.”

Today’s invitation and visit to Mexico has legitimized Donald Trump as the only sensible candidate for president of the United States, not just for Mexican-Americans, or Mexicans who are U.S. citizens and are able to vote, but for the millions of people inside Mexico who benefit from a secondary powerful economy: U.S. dollars sent to Mexico as remittances every month by Mexican workers in the United States– a flow of money which is ending up more and more in the hands of corrupt government officials and drug cartels.

Drug cartels interfere with daily government tasks by intimidating and murdering government employees, in order to keep them from their cartel-controlled territory, even interrupting some of the most basic services needed in communities throughout Mexico.

But the aforementioned secondary economy, which has so greatly benefited Mexico, is an enormous drain on the U.S. economy; yet, it is enthusiastically encouraged by the Mexican government by offering incentives to use the money for improvement of towns, schools and other sectors of the Mexican economy.

Here’s an excerpt from a Wall Street Journal article published on February 14, 2016, titled “Remittances to Mexico Reach Seven-Year High.”

The U.S. is the leading source of remittances to Mexico, accounting for $23.7 billion last year, followed by Canada with $254 million. Within the U.S., the majority comes from California, followed by Texas, Illinois and New York.”

Much of the above quoted amount is from illegal employment in the U.S.

Mexico needs Trump

President Peña Nieto, as I said above, is suffering through a very unpopular presidency in a country that is being torn apart by corruption and drug cartels that he cannot seem to bring under control. As such, Peña Nieto knows full well that Hillary Clinton would be his worst nightmare, as more chaotic illegal migratory movements would be encouraged under her socialist administration. This would worsen the already corrupt environment inside Mexico, and would give even more power to human traffickers and criminal drug cartels.

Trump’s visit to Mexico was a brilliant move.

Mexico needs Trump.

Someone has to say the truth…

Copyright © Marielena Montesino de Stuart. All rights reserved.
Audio of the speeches delivered by President Enrique Peña Nieto and Donald J. Trump at the presidential palace in Mexico City:


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Mexico, Donald J. Trump, President Enrique Peña Nieto, Hillary Clinton, News, Notizie, Noticias, Nouvelles, Current Events, Immigration, NAFTA, trade, 2016 presidential election, Marielena Montesino de Stuart.


FOR THE RECORD: Nigel Farage joins Donald Trump in Mississippi

"If you want to change this country, you better get your walking boots on."-- Nigel Farage

Nigel Farage is a member of the European Parliament (South East of England) UK Independence Party– and a prominent Brexit leader.

Donald J. Trump’s Speech on Foreign Policy – August 15, 2016

Please SHARE this important post. Now. 
There's no time to waste.

REALITY CHECK: You will not have a future, unless you elect a president with *COJONES who can keep us ALL safe.

Donald J. Trump’s Speech on Foreign Policy. Don’t miss it.

Audio format:


*Cojones has become a new Category and Tag term on my blog, due to the thousands of search hits that come in with this term– in relation to the 2016 presidential election. This is representative of a wide audience, which is desperately seeking a leader who can protect them during this time of war and civil unrest. Now… that’s what I call a REAL poll!

Someone has to say the truth…

Copyright © Marielena Montesino de Stuart. All rights reserved.

RELATED READING: “We need a President with Cojones: A Message from Marielena Montesino de Stuart.”



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