Don’t be afraid to use the word COMMUNIST!

By Marielena Montesino de Stuart

You have my permission to use the word COMMUNIST. 

You see, there are certain “intellectuals” and activists who will pounce on you for using the word COMMUNIST to describe the chaos (moral, social and economic) that has been created by globalist “big thinkers” of the socialist persuasion.

These self-professed big thinkers will tell you that “communism is dead”— and that your brain stopped working after the 1980’s for using the “C word.” In fact, if you’re reading this and you are a Millenial, you have definitely been mentally bombarded by the socialist elite with lies about communism being dead.

Communism, in fact, is alive and thriving worldwide— it’s just operating under different disguises, and that’s what makes it so dangerous. International Communists are using many different means of financing their agenda, including, but not limited to, taxpayer money maneuvered through NGOs (non-governmental organizations).

One current example is the Catalan “independence” movement, which is controlled by communist groups who claim they want a “free” and open society that is “feminist” and welcomes “all”— while they indoctrinate children in Catalonia with socialist activism— using guess what… taxpayer money!

Quote from Gustavo Alcalde, a delegate from the Spanish government:

El adoctrinamiento en la escuela en Cataluña es tan eficaz como la propaganda nazi.” Translation: The indoctrination in Catalan schools is as efficient as Nazi propaganda.

The truth is that Catalonia has enjoyed an extremely free, feminist and open society, which is why it led Europe with the most aggressive law in 1937 legalizing abortion during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy! Fortunately, this was outlawed by the Franco government. And please, don’t waste a minute writing to me to tell me that I’m a “franquista”— based on my statement of a historical fact, which saved millions of Spanish citizens from being murdered through abortion.

If you write to me to tell me that I’m a “franquista”– then you too are a COMMUNIST!

And yes, I know what I’m talking about. I’m a survivor of Communism in Cuba– and grew up in a family of proud Spaniards.

Today, Catalonia leads Spain with the greatest number of abortions (followed by Madrid and Andalucía). Even Catholic hospitals in Catalonia have performed abortions. Catalonia also leads Spain in homosexual “marriages” and Islamic centers, due to the “freedom” granted to them through socialist laws established after 1975, when Franco died.

The same indoctrination described above has been taking place in the United States for decades. And you wonder why you’re not allowed to use the word COMMUNIST.

Go ahead. Say it.


Someone has to say the truth…

Copyright © Marielena Montesino de Stuart. All rights reserved.


Dos hospitales vinculados a la Iglesia practican abortos en Cataluña – (in Spanish)

El adoctrinamiento en la escuela en Cataluña es tan eficaz como la propaganda nazi (in Spanish)

Cataluña tuvo durante la República la ley del aborto más progresista de Europa | Edición impresa | EL PAÍS (in Spanish)