Ted Cruz Fails to convince Evangelicals in South Carolina… could these facts be the reason?

I told you so…

Ted Cruz’s honoring of Communist Nelson Mandela (who was Fidel Castro’s close friend), his socializing with openly-“gay” New York City businessmen, and voting YES for Obama’s liberal judge, Todd Hughes– appear to have helped evangelicals see that the REAL Ted Cruz is simply NOT one of them.

By Marielena Montesino de Stuart

(Originally published in Marielena Speaks…)

SOUTH CAROLINA SPEAKS... THE REPUBLICAN PRIMARY 2016A few short remarks, as the South Carolina Primary results are still coming in…

Facts matter and this is true of Ted Cruz’s campaign for POTUS. The truth simply caught up with him– in spite of his strong pitch to evangelical voters. Even his preacher Cuban father (a former pro-Fidel Castro, Molotov cocktail-throwing activist turned preacher) could not help Cruz junior win in the evangelical territory of South Carolina. In fact, out of the 46 counties, Ted Cruz could not even win one county!

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The results out of South Carolina show more and more to the world that the Republican Party establishment is in free fall.

Here are the numbers as of 9:28pm on 20 February, 2016:

Donald Trump 33.1%

Marco Rubio 22.2%

Ted Cruz 21.2%

*- UPDATE: Donald Trump has won all 50 delegates, according to news reports. Trump even won in Beaufort County, the only majority-Catholic county in South Carolina, in spite of Francis’s suggestion that Trump is “not Christian.”

— Marielena

It’s time to lift the fog… someone has to say the truth.

Copyright © Marielena Montesino de Stuart. All rights reserved.


Are Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio the “New Conservatives”?

Ted Cruz is Guest of two Gay Businessmen in New York City

Ted Cruz voted in favor of Obama’s liberal Judge, Todd M. Hughes, and so did all current Republicans in the U.S. Senate. 

UPDATES (Map, Votes and Delegates) as of 11:37am on February 21, 2016

“Also-Rans” Money: 2016 Presidential Race


Addendum (21 February, 2016): The biggest loser (considering that he had to drop out last night) was Jeb(!) Bush who could not even be saved by the powerful Right to Rise SuperPAC. As of January 31, 2016 Right to Rise had raised $118,361,996.  Add to this $31,922,100– which Jeb(!) raised through his own campaign (also as of January 31, 2016). Jeb Bush tried everything.  He even added an exclamation mark after his first name to denote enthusiasm. None of it convinced voters– particularly those who were offended by his support of socialist Common Core, his un-Catholic support of exceptions in abortion (Jeb Bush claims to be a Catholic)– as well as his weak position on immigration.


Ted Cruz, Donald Trump, Marco Rubio, South Carolina Primary 2016, Ted Cruz voted for Obama’s liberal judge (Todd Hughes), Ted Cruz Honored Communist Nelson Mandela, Ted Cruz socialized with two Openly-“Gay” New York City businessmen, the Republican Party establishment is in free fall, Marielena Montesino de Stuart, News, Notizie, Nouvelles, Current Events, Noticias, International, International, Jeb!, Jeb Bush.

THE LAST SCENE… celebrating love between one man and one woman

Marielena Montesino de Stuart
Marielena Montesino de Stuart

By Marielena Montesino de Stuart

Celebrating love between one man and one woman. This is God’s gift to us for the continuation of humanity. It doesn’t get better than that… Happy Valentine’s Day.

— Marielena

Read today’s commentary below.

THE LAST SCENE... Celebrating Love between One Man and One Woman - Copyright Marielena Montesino de Stuart. All rights reserved.

Allow me to begin today’s brief commentary by quoting from a piece that I published on 15 August 2015, titled: “ESPRESSO WITH MARIELENA: The wicked and deceitful man.”

“With so many political expediency dogmas in place, we can see that religion and God are placed on the back burner–and brought to the front only when politicians need all the help they can get in order to control societal unrest or improve their image. More and more we see how God is used as a convenient tool– and not as the basis for sound public policy.

Without God our earthly efforts become a string of intentional fallacies.”

The United States of America has been deeply wounded for many decades, morally and financially, with the decisions that have come out of the U.S. Supreme Court. Roe vs. Wade, Obamacare and homosexual “marriage” have thrown the United States into the abyss of materialistic atheism (socialism). I have spent most of my adult life warning others about this catastrophe, which continues to advance through the socialist indoctrination of young people. It is no wonder that a very large percentage of millennials support Bernie Sanders.

During my campaign for the U.S. Senate in 2012 (on the ballot) I was scolded by certain so-called “conservatives” in the Republican Party for denouncing those in our midst who claim that they support marriage between one man and one woman– but are found fraternizing and socializing in homosexual circles– while they seek money and support from the homosexual collective for their political endeavors. Here’s a current example.

This duality hypocrisy is pervasive and persistent in Republican circles. I have also been criticized for exposing those who claim to be pro-life– but consider that they still reserve the right to choose who gets to live and who gets to die. That, dear reader, is not an authentic pro-life position (particularly if you are a Catholic!)– as in this case and this case.

I am a strong and positive woman who likes to see the glass half full– but when it comes to the state of our country, there’s not much to feel positive about these days. Consider the results of the current moral immoral scenario:

√ Millions of children have been killed through abortion– so many, in fact, that the number now exceeds the population of Great Britain.

√ Men “marry” men.

√ Women “marry” women.

√ Homage is paid to individuals in powerful positions (judges, legislators, educators) based, in great part, on their openness about their sexual recreation as homosexuals– which is extolled as a virtue.

If this immoral scenario does not upset you deeply– then you too have become a fellow traveler who is willing to participate in this socialist abyss.

Now that I have totally disrupted your Valentine’s Day with the truth… allow me to share with you a  short video clip below, from the last scene of the classic film A Man and a Woman. Hurry up and watch it… before the enemies of God’s true love take it down.

— Marielena
February 14, 2016

It’s time to lift the fog… someone has to say the truth.
Copyright © Marielena Montesino de Stuart. All rights reserved.

Use and/or duplication of this material in whole or in part is strictly prohibited, with the exception of one excerpt per article, which must be limited to 25 (twenty five) words, provided that full and clear credit is given to Marielena Montesino de Stuart. The excerpt must include the link to the original content.

Marielena Montesino de Stuart, Marielena Speaks, Marielena Stuart, Valentine’s Day, One Man One Woman,Notizie, Noticias, News, Homosexual “marriage”, Current Events, ABORTION, L’Avortement, Matrimony,  Marriage, Mariage, Matrimony, Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Jeb Bush.