UTAH ONLINE VOTERS… LOOK OUT! George Soros and Friends are All Over the Republican Race for the White House

By Marielena Montesino de Stuart

Did you know that Smartmatic–the company (with headquarters in London) which will be running the online voting process in Utah today— is under the chairmanship of Lord Mark Malloch-Brown, a colleague of George Soros?

That’s right, folks!

His Lordship’s dealings with George Soros include being Co-Chair of the Board of Trustees of the CrisisGroup, of which George Soros is founder and member of the Board of Directors.

Evil Money 

George Soros is Hell’s CFO. He funds just about every communist, anarchist and twisted cause and organization on the face of this planet. It must be noted that  George Soros is also a top donor of John Kasich’s 2016 presidential campaign.

George Soros’s colleagues are all over the 2016 Republican race for the White House.  For example, Soros’s ex-fund manager, Stanley Drunkenmiller, supported Jeb Bush’s campaign through Right to Rise Super PAC.

Another colleague of Soros, Scott Bessent, who was Soros’ chief investment officer until December, is supporting Kasich’s campaign through New Day for America, the pro-Kasich super-PAC.

God help us all.

Utah… beware of online voting today– it’s in the hands of his Lordship, one of George Soros’s many friends in Republican circles.

The only candidate who is financing his own campaign– and owes nothing to lobbyists or special interest is Donald J. Trump.

Someone has to say the truth…

Copyright © Marielena Montesino de Stuart. All rights reserved.

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George Soros, Utah Online Voting, 2016 Republican Race for the White House, John Kasich, Jeb Bush, Marielena Montesino de Sturt, Marielena Speaks, Marielena Stuart, News, Notizie, Nouvelles, Noticias, Actualidades, Actualités, Current Events, Lord Mark Malloch-Brown, Stanley Drunkenmiller, Scott Bessent.



Donald Trump on Everything

By Marielena Montesino de Stuart

Donald Trump was interviewed tonight by Wolf Blitzer on CNN.

Trump spoke about a variety of topics, including NATO, Israel, the Middle East policy, Cuba (continues to be wrong on Cuba), show business– and just about everything.

NOTE: My criticism of Trump’s position on Cuba is absolutely NOT an endorsement of any other candidate!

Here is Donald Trump’s interview in audio format:

REFERENCE: YOUR POSITION ON CUBA IS WRONG: Letter to Donald J. Trump from Marielena Montesino de Stuart (No… this is absolutely NOT an endorsement of any other candidate!).

NATO, Israel, Cuba, everything… Marielena Montesino de Stuart, News, Noticias, Notizie, Nouvelles, Current Events, Actualidades, Actualités

WILLFUL DELUSION: Statement from Conservatives Against Trump, by Erick Erickson

MARIELENA MONTESINO DE STUART - Someone has to say the truth... Copyright © Marielena Montesino de Stuart. All rights reserved.

JOIN Marielena’s Special List of Readers

By Marielena Montesino de Stuart

During the past few days several nauseating anti-Trump groups have held private meetings in Washington DC, Sea Island (off the coast of Georgia), Palm Beach– and God only knows where else!

These anti-Trump groups are growing like mushrooms in the dark and include the likes of billionaire hedge-fund guru, Paul Singer, a pro-LGBT activist who donated millions of dollars in support of Marco Rubio’s campaign.

Paul Ryan, the Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, has also joined the anti-Trump movement by making public statements against Trump and by attending these private meetings.

These groups are spending obscene amounts of money (millions) in their dark, infested and foul attempt to obstruct Trump’s candidacy.

The very unpopular anti-Trump element, which also includes big government globalists like Mitt Romney, Lindsey Graham and Neil Bush, is united in spirit and action with the Marxists in the Democrat Party– in a complot to bring down Donald Trump’s triumphant campaign. Why? Because Trump is a threat to the mafiosi who have hijacked our government and have sold America to the global-socialists.

Erick Erickson, the self-proclaimed “conservative” (former editor-in-chief of the political blog RedState and former political contributor for CNN) has issued a laughable statement on behalf of Conservatives Against Trump:


We believe that the issue of Donald Trump is greater than an issue of party. It is an issue of morals and character that all Americans, not just those of us in the conservative movement, must confront.

The rest of Erickson’s statement against Trump can be read on The Resurgent (18 March, 2016).

Mr. Erickson is suffering from the malady of willful delusion, which seems to afflict politicians in Washington. Perhaps Mr. Erickson mixes with the DC element a bit too much.

Has Erickson considered the immorality that goes on in Capitol Hill? The backroom deals, the lying, the betrayal, the broken promises regarding conservative action— and on and on and on.

As such, how in the world can Erickson talk about the “issue of morals and character“– when the Republican Party establishment and most of our Republican legislators have let us down on just about every conservative moral front?

Erickson’s words mean absolutely nothing– when you consider the power behind the will of the people who are standing behind Donald Trump– with their most sincere desire to save this nation from the grip of socialism.

Erick Erickson and the anti-Trump groups are completely irrelevant to the process of saving America.

It’s time to lift the fog… someone has to say the truth.

Copyright © Marielena Montesino de Stuart. All rights reserved.


Are Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio the “New Conservatives”?

Ted Cruz is Guest of two Gay Businessmen in New York City

Ted Cruz voted in favor of Obama’s liberal Judge, Todd M. Hughes, and so did all current Republicans in the U.S. Senate. 

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Erick Erickson, Conservatives Against Trump, GOP, Republican Party, Donald Trump, Marielena Montesino de Stuart, News, Noticias, Nouvelles, Notizie, Actualidades, Current Events, 2016 Presidential Election.


Uncut Donald Trump in 2010

The GOP’s Politics of Farce: Reince Priebus, Curly Haugland… and how the voters feel

Gallery of Shame: The GOP Establishment

By Marielena Montesino de Stuart

Hell broke loose yesterday after Senior GOP Official, Curly Haugland, stated that the GOP picks the nominee, not the voters.…

Read Marielena’s Commentary: The GOP’s Politics of Farce: Reince Priebus, Curly Haugland… and how the voters feel



Reince Priebus, Curly Haugland, GOP, RNC, Republican National Committee, Donald J. Trump, Donald Trump, 2016 presidential election, Marielena Montesino de Stuart, Marielena Speaks.

URGENT ALERT: Following Trump’s Massive Primary Win Senior GOP Official Curly Haugland says GOP decides Nominee, Not Voters

March 16, 2016

PRESS RELEASE: For immediate release

From: Marielena Montesino de Stuart

Contact: Through form below

A statement has been issued by a Senior GOP Official, Curly Haugland of North Dakota, describing how the GOP decides the nominee, not the voters. This follows Donald J. Trump’s massive win yesterday during the Republican Super Tuesday 3 Primaries. I am providing links in Audio and Video formats below, which contain Curly Haugland’s statements.

Mr. Haugland made the above statement today to Becky Quick of CNBC’s “Squawk Box”– along with other disturbing remarks regarding the primaries.

Americans are being lied to by an absolutely evil Republican establishment. This shameful totalitarian approach, which is playing out in the open, requires an urgent and forceful condemnation from every single Republican– and from every single American who believes in the power of the vote as the only legitimate way of choosing our leaders.

Please urgently share this information with your family members, friends, neighbors and colleagues. This is an attack on our freedom. There is no time to waste.


Marielena Montesino de Stuart
Republican Candidate for the US Senate (On the Ballot 2012-FL)

AUDIO of Statements made by Senior GOP Official, Curly Haugland:

VIDEO of Statements made by Senior GOP Official, Curly Haugland:


URGENT ALERT - Curly Haugland, Senior GOP Official questioned by Becky Quick of CNBC's Squawk Box on March 16, 2016 - Copyright © Marielena Montesino de Stuart. All rights reserved.

Senior GOP Official, Curly Haugland, Donald J. Trump, Donald Trump, Republican Establishment Corruption, URGENT ALERT: Following Trump’s Massive Primary Win Senior GOP Official, Curly Haugland, says GOP decides Nominee, Not Voters, Marielena Montesino de Stuart, Marielena Speaks, News, Noticias, Notizie, Nouvelles, Current Events, Press Release.

You may contact Marielena Montesino de Stuart through the following form: